Commitment 9: Set out EIT strategic agenda By mid-2011, the EIT should set out a Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) to expand its activities as a showcase for Innovation in Europe. This should map out its long-term development within the Innovation Union, including the creation of new Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), close links with the private sector and a stronger role in entrepreneurship. It should also build on the EIT Foundation set up in 2010 and on the introduction in 2011 of the "EIT degree" as an internationally recognized label of excellence.
Institutional environment: Commitment map Commitment’s rationale Solution Main impact channels Main areas of impact Indicators Outcome Economic (+/-): increased quality competition more innovative SMEs stimulation of R&D focus on specific regions and sectors labor market changes (incl. brain drain) Focus on key societal challenges faced by Europe Output measures: innovation counts, number of tech spin-offs, number of business creations and high growth innovative SMEs EU innovativeness Embeddedness: shaping values and attitudes in European societies that trigger innovation (mobility, openness, cooperativeness, trust) Integrating the knowledge triangle by supporting the KICs and the EIT RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) Synergies between innovation, research and education as the main drivers of the global knowledge economy Economic growth (real GDP growth rate) Institutional environment: European regulations enabling creation of KICs (Regulation (EC) No 294/2008, Regulation (EU) No 1292/2013) Limited capacity of the EU to convert knowledge into commercial use Embedding entrepreneurship in the EU education and research through EIT labelled degree programs and EIT awards Social (+/-): enhanced equality treatment positive effects on educational systems increased social cooperation Throughput measures: patents, publications, prototypes and inventions, number of collaborative projects International competitiveness Difficulties in promoting an innovation culture in research and education in the EU Governance: new management and control methods (KICs, EIT RIS, EIT awards, roundtable of entrepreneurs, EIT Performance Measurement System) + new business model for knowledge triangle Embedding entrepreneurship in the EU industry through EIT roundtable of entrepreneurs Difficulties in developing critical masses of resources in innovation in the EU Environmental (+/-): transport and the use of energy (more efficient energy use) climate (increased ability to adapt to climate change) Employment Resource allocation: (financial, human and physical) from EU and non EU countries/public and private sector Input measures: R&D expenditures, R&D employees, number of industrial PHDs, number of graduates Difficulties in rewarding excellence in research and education in the EU
The main relationship: Theoretical frameworks for analyzing the contribution of EIT actions to innovation The knowledge triangle concept (interaction between research, education and innovation) I-U collaboration and knowledge transfer between universities and industry Networked innovation approach The main relationship: the impact of collaboration (coordinated by EIT actions) between higher education and research institutions and industry (business firms) on innovation in Europe
Empirical evidence See Table [pdf]: Empirical papers investigating the impact of collaboration between higher education and research institutions and industry on innovation in Europe.
Moving ahead Empirical research Direct impact – econometric study H: There is a positive relationship between KIC participation and firm innovativeness (innovation counts, total innovation expenditures, ratio of sales of new products to total firm sales, degree of novelty of firm product, introduction of product and service innovations, product and process innovations, R&D spendings, R&D intensity, R&D productivity). Data source: EIT and KICs CIS data Indirect impact – influence on growth, employment, competitiveness (qualitative assessment based on interviews and case studies, data presentation from the EIT Performance Measurement System)