1) VP Wellness (CBER) Act as the McGill resident representative of the Comité du bien-être du résident (CBER) at the FMRQ level. This relatively new committee was created in 2001 with the aim of fostering prevention and promoting residents’ wellness. A working knowledge of French is preferred to participate in the CBER meetings.
VP Wellness (article 29E) The Vice-President Wellness shall have the following duties: Shall organize activities intended to promote the health and wellness of the resident body Represent the ARM at the FMRQ Wellness committee Represent McGill residents at monthly ARM board meetings
VP Wellness Meeting with the program directors and training directors as part of the Program Director's Tour. Collects data, develops tools and implements concrete actions that address issues such as psychological distress and intimidation among residents. They can be solicited to take part in activities such as meeting with medical students in collaboration with Quebec Physicians’ Health Program.
VP Wellness When specific problems arise in training settings, the VP CBER can be involved to address the situation with the ARM and the CBER members or to direct the resident to the appropriate resource. At the McGill level, the CBER co-chairs the resident-run Committee for Resident Wellness (CReW) along with the Dean of Resident Affairs, Dr. Montoro. This committee provides a forum to undertake resident-driven projects.