Learning Styles Kinesthetic Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Styles Kinesthetic Learning Today and for the next few classes we are going to talk about learning styles and then study strategies. I’ll tell you a little bit about them, we’ll experiment with a few of them, and hopefully you’ll find a way to learn that you never had thought of before.

Kinesthetic Learning Have two sub-channels: kinesthetic (movement) and tactile (touch) Means being physically engaged in a "hands on" activity Involves tactile learning Use all your senses – sight, touch, taste, smell & hearing

Kinesthetic learners like to move it, move it… Do best while touching materials and moving Move It Music May be a collector of things Tend to lose concentration if there is little or no external stimulus or movement Need to move around When reading They like to scan the material first then focus in on the details (get the big picture first). Should involve all of the senses Move around a lot Like to touch people they’re talking to Tap their pencil or foot while doing schoolwork Enjoy physical activities Take frequent breaks when studying Do not spend a lot of time reading Have difficulty spelling correctly Like to solve problems by physically working through them Like to try new things Are coordinated and agile Are considered hyperactive Express their feelings physically (i.e., hugging, hitting) Move their hands when they talk Dress for comfort, instead of style Lay on the floor or bed when studying Enjoy touching things Have difficulty sitting still for extended periods of time Excel in athletics and the performing arts

Kinesthetic Intelligence is found in … Inventors, lab technicians, architects, physical therapists, chiropractors, surgeons, and dentist Actors, sculptors, jewelers, gardeners Mechanical, construction and craft trades – do-it-yourself type of people

In Class I should… Sit near front of room Take notes for the sake of moving hands! Jot down key words & draw pictures, diagrams or charts to help remember info Add the examples, case studies or applications Use color highlighters—why? Fully participate in lab activities

Success Techniques Develop routines & habits for learning Be directly engaged; move & act things out Involve all your senses in learning! Be proactive in writing/typing Use thinking maps (they’re fun) Use technology and take advantage of hand/eye coordination Develop routines & habits for learning Schedule when you study, what you study (begin with easier subject matter to build confidence Simplify instructions down to basics and build up from there Practice and repeat basic elements to strengthen recall Be directly engaged; move & act things out Jump in and try things; learn by trial and error Ask for real-life examples, or for an idea to be demonstrated if you don’t understand Seek out courses with labs and field trips (later) Involve all of your senses in learning. Use a hands-on approach constructing or modeling things Use concrete objects as learning aids Use your hands to explain things; your body to act things out Be proactive in writing things down Put examples in note summaries Use pictures and photos to illustrate points Talk about notes with another Kinesthetic person Use community-based assignments in developing writing skills Use concept mapping to organize information  in order to more actively engage with what you wish to learn Use technology to take advantage of your hand-eye coordination Multi-media technology can be used to gather and organize information from multiple sources Computer simulations and games can help you see the big picture or system work with parts of it and experiment with them simulate, substitute for, and practice responses for situations that may come later in performance or the "real world"

How to Study at Home Make models that illustrate key concepts FOR LEARNING SEQUENCE OF STEPS: Use 3’x5’ cards, put words, symbols, or pictures to help remember info Use highlighter in contrasting colors to emphasize important points Limit amt. of info per card Practice putting cards in order (sort)

Home Continued… To Review Information Copy key points to whiteboard or other surface Use computer to reinforce learning through sense of touch Listen personal recordings on iPod or phone while exercising or moving around; talk to another K person Role play the exam

Summary You need to do things to understand Remember as you get older you will get better at other ways of learning! Corporate boardrooms do not present information via a lab… Kinesthetic Learning