Differentiating Instruction Dr. Michael Nelson Grand Canyon University Mike
Agenda Welcome & Opening Activity Learner Objectives What is Differentiated Instruction? Ways to Differentiate Instruction How to begin using DI in the classroom Deb
Learner Objectives Learners will be able to: Define differentiated instruction Determine learning styles of students Participate in a PLC by reading research-based articles about a topic Apply the three elements of how to differentiate instruction in a lesson Develop ways to use differentiated instruction on daily basis Mike
Secondary Symbionts of Acyrthosiphon pisum What did you learn? How did you feel about the complexity? Here it is a little easier to understand…. Jaime
Mutualism: both species benefit Jaime Commensalism: one species benefits, the other is neither hurt nor helped. Parasitism: parasite benefits, host is hurt.
What is Differentiated Instruction? Video Link : http://youtu.be/YAWKxpCv1Fw Mike
Activity- What’s your learning style? Circle the letter of the phrase that is true for you most of the time. When finished add the number of responses for each letter and enter the total in the space provided. Mike
Is this your classroom? Deb
Think-Pair-Share Think about what your definition for the term “differentiated instruction” is? When you have your response, please turn to your partner Share your response with them Deb
Defining Differentiating Instruction a process for “ensuring that what a student learns, how he/she learns it, and how the student demonstrates what he/she has learned is a match for that student’s readiness level, interests and preferred mode of learning.” - Carol Ann Tomlinson Jaime
Three Elements of Differentiating Instruction content – what you want the students to learn process – the way students make sense out of the content product – the outcome at the end of a lesson Mike
1. Differentiating Content Content differentiation involves a varying what we teach or how students gain access to that content. Strategies for differentiating by content: Utilize pre-tests to assess where individual students need to begin study of a given topic. Break assignments into small, more manageable parts that include structured directions for each part. Encourage thinking at various levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. Deb http://differentiation.asb-wiki.wikispaces.net/Differentiating+Content
2. Differentiating Process Differentiating by process involves providing varied opportunities for students to process or make sense of the content being taught. Strategies for differentiating by process: Provide access to a variety of materials which target different learning preferences and reading abilities. Develop activities that target auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. Use flexible grouping to group and regroup students based on factors including content, ability, and assessment results. Jamie http://differentiation.asb-wiki.wikispaces.net/Differentiating+Process
3. Differentiating by product Product differentiation involves allowing students to show, in varied ways, what they know, understand and are able to do. Strategies for differentiating by product: Use a variety of assessment strategies, including performance based and open ended assessments. Balance teacher assigned and student selected projects. Offer students a choice of projects that reflect a variety of learning styles and interests. Mike
Common Misconceptions regarding DI Disconnect with standards- DI is a instructional model, not a curriculum model. It is only for certain students. – every student is different and bring unique interests to the table. Teachers must learn to manage a classroom flexibly to reach all learners. Deb
Article Jigsaw Activity Read the article your group was given independently . Highlight or underline the 5 most important ideas that you think everyone should know. Meet together with your group and discuss what you underlined. Decide as a group which ideas are the most important and write the top 5 into a poster to present to the class. Mike
Differentiation for All Students should have: Multiple ways for how they receive new information A variety of ways to actively process and comprehend new ideas Opportunities to show their understanding using different products. Jaime
How to get started? Video w/ Carol Tomlinson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGYa6ZacUTM Discussion Mike
Differentiation starts with: Approaching all learners the same way – doesn’t work. Begin where each child is in their learning process in order to meet their needs and help them grow. Mike
Closing Activity You will differentiate various lessons by adding some strategies learned from the session today. Deb
“All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same day, in the same way.” – William Spady Mike