Vision brings us into new dimensions of “why’s” in our life. WORSHIP SERVICE November 6, 2016 Vision brings us into new dimensions of “why’s” in our life.
Purpose and Vision gives us definition. Everybody wants to know “why.” Everything in your life has purpose. God chose you. “That’s why.” You were called to purpose. There is an underlying purpose that we don’t see until the end. God can do multiple things at the same time to accomplish his will. God has a time frame and a moment that doesn’t agree with ours. While one thing is going on, God is doing something else.
Two elements represent times: 1Corinthians 12:33 When it comes to God’s purpose and vision, we think of time. In this scripture 1% were more important than 99%. The people understood time, season and what to do. What they understood was in Kairos. Two elements represent times: Kairos…….set time in eternity that God has determined something to come to pass. Chronos……calendar / clock time as we know it.
Sometimes God is doing something that is going in the other direction Sometimes God is doing something that is going in the other direction. God is working behind the scene. God is always working on our behalf. God is always moving, so we must keep on moving, He never stops. God is waiting on us. God knows us well. He starts saying “Go” early, because He understands us. Some of us are very slow. He knows that some of us are so slow and stubborn, that we have to be ran out of a place. What happens if our plans aren’t God’s plans? We get stubborn. We stay where we are and refuse to move.
Ephesians 3:2-5 The Mystery Paul talks about the time and season of his life. Paul’s anointing had been given to the him to understand revelation. You need revelation to understand purpose. The movements of God is connected with your movements, because in the beginning God chose not to do anything without Man. Everything he did, he did it with Man, because he cut a covenant with Man. He is a Covenant keeping God.
Ephesians 2:20 1Corinthians 14:6 The foundation is built upon the Apostolic anointing to discern time and season. Some of us have Vision that is stirred in us. Sometimes we are distracted by things we don’t see and will build something else. 1Corinthians 14:6
We need revelation, knowledge, prophesy and doctrine for our Vision. We need Foundational Word in us. Revelation comes from the mind of God. The Holy Spirit brings thoughts and the Things of God to our spirit and not our natural mind. Our mind will not let us conceive the things of God. The Spirit brings those things to our spirit. We need solid doctrine. There is so much going on in the world, so we need sound Bible doctrine, so that we know what God is saying, so we won’t be led astray.
Daniel 9:3 Daniel came into revelation that 7 years was almost over with. He set his face to God. He labored in the things of God. We don’t want to labor. We want things be over. God is trying to get us to travail, but we don’t want too. Sometimes when God gets ready to do something that hadn’t been done, He travails.
God’s approval is all that we need. God has a purpose for you, but you have to learn how to travail. We get distracted to easy, because of that need to for approval. God’s approval is all that we need.