5-WEEK Introductory Course KISWAHILI 5-WEEK Introductory Course
OBJECTIVES Acquire rapid foundation in spoken/written forms of the TL. Familiarize with complexity of Kiswahili & East African cultures. Provide comprehensive language skills for practical usage.
TOPICS PERSONAL: Home & Family Friends Housing Personal Interests Entertaining
TOPICS (cont’d) PUBLIC: Shopping Travel Transport Health Hotels and Restaurants
TOPICS (cont’d) OCCUPATIONAL: Basic working environment Official functions Interacting with colleagues
TOPIC: Personal - Samples Greetings: Appropriate – time of day, occasions, Islamic greetings, cultural implications (M/F; young, elderly person, community leaders etc.) Inviting guests to an event; agreeing on place/date/time. Accepting / declining invitation. Giving thanks / apologizing.
TOPIC: Personal - Samples Expressing likes/dislikes, personal views on simple matters. Talking about the host country and USA. Discussing day-to-day activities & routines. Introducing self & others; asking questions / giving information about place of origin, profession, address, phone number, email, etc.
TOPIC: Public - Samples Shopping- asking for prices, negotiating. Asking for travel information. Asking where places are – giving and understanding directions. Making travel arrangements. Reading/understanding most common public notices and signs.
TOPIC: Occupational - Samples Using Swahili military and related specialized language. Carrying out basic, work related interview. Conducting basic liaison interpreting and translating simple texts. Giving and receiving basic instructions and dealing with misunderstandings (e.g. training).
TOPIC: Occupational - Samples Dealing with simple administrative/clerical tasks that require contact with the public. Arranging meetings about work related matters. Understanding essential information in informal & brief meetings, speeches etc. Giving short, informal speeches (e.g. thanking visitors, opening a meeting).
METHODS Direct method Scenarios for role-play Listening practice (e.g. conversations) A/V Internet material – focus on current events / topics.
METHODS (cont’d) Focus on better understanding of culture beyond usual do’s and don’ts. Focus on enabling graduates to work more effectively within Kiswahili communities both in – East African region, and internationally
LEARNING RESOURCES Tailor made worksheets, grammar, vocabulary sheets Newspaper, tapes, DVDs/videos, texts, brochures Briefing packages (bilingual) background information on East Africa, specialized topics, history, economy, education, politics, environment. General and language maps of Africa.
RESOURCES - OTHER Radio France International BBC World Service / VOA TV – Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda faculty.virginia.edu/swahililanguage (scenarios to develop LC skills) “ZanziNews” (social commentaries on national/international events)
THE COURSE Wk. 1: Personal Information Wk. 2: Family Wk. 3: Cost of Living / Industry / Security / Government Wk. 4: Customs / Trade / Land Issues Wk. 5: Education / Health
One Day – Week 3 Period 1: Rvw. Of independent practice & journal Period 2: Consolidating: military vocabulary; giving / checking directions / requests / suggestions Period 3: Arms / drug smuggling / human trafficking Oral/written presentations /translations/ reading comprehension
One Day – Week 3 (cont’d) Period 4: Army / Police Forces in E. Africa Period 5: Security around the region Period 6: US aid INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (aka “Homework”): Prepare oral report on historical commercial relations between US and Zanzibar
Interpreting – Week 3 Student: Official of US Embassy in E. Africa. Meeting with local Minister of Information – concerned about distorted view of VOA African Service in his/her country. Tasks: Exchange greetings / explain VOA is free to express opinions / offers other opinions as well / assurances etc.
Success ! 1st student to complete three, five-week iterations 3 /3