Your last English class ever?! Welcome to English 4CI Your last English class ever?!
Course Overview Term One will be based on fiction: short stories, movies of different genres, an independent novel of your selection Term Two will be based on non- fiction: Beyond the Horizon (true-to- life experiences), informal essays, documentaries
Term One: Blogging You will create your own blogs on the class wiki First blog (today!): introduce yourself! Second blog: write a movie review of one of your favourite movies Further blog topics TBA Blogs will be marked for completion and content
Term One: APA Research Report We will begin this week in the library writing a “review of the literature” on a topic of interest to you It will involve searching the WRDSB Virtual Library Database for four relevant articles on your topic You will summarize each article, and then offer your own opinion You will follow correct APA style Basically completed in class
Term One: Commercial Genre Unit We will view movies and read stories in each of the following genres: Fantasy (Lord of the Rings excerpts) Science fiction (Star Wars) Action/adventure (Hanna, plus 1 superhero movie) Horror Romance (500 Days of Summer) Tests on genres You will also write a “high epic fantasy” story
Term One: Independent Novel In the upcoming weeks you will select an independent novel in one of the genres mentioned in the previous slide you will create and present a PowerPoint Genre presentation on this novel (at the end of the unit)
Term Two: Non-Fiction Our class read will be Beyond the Horizon by Colin Angus In this memoir, he tells of his race to become the first person to complete a circumnavigation of the globe by human power (eg. hiking, biking, rowing) You will have plenty of reading time in class and you will follow his journey using a world map Also you write some own personal memoirs Reading tests
Term Two: Ideas and Issues (Summative) In this unit we will view various documentaries (eg. Bowling for Columbine, The Cove, ??) and read several informal essays and listen to podcasts on current issues There will be a documentary test and in-class exam
Term Two: Analytic Report on a Website (Summative) We will examine models of reports on issues of personal interest (eg. “Which gym membership is the most economical for the services provided?”) You will write an analytic report including: Steps of analysis (problem, facts, possible solutions, evaluation of solutions, etc.) Pictures, graphs, statistics Appendices Internal and external links A link from your blog to your report
Just imagine what you might do with your English credit!