Financial Report July 1, 2008 – May 20, 2009 FINANCIAL UPDATE Financial Report July 1, 2008 – May 20, 2009
BISHOPS APPEAL As of May 12, 2009 Goal $31,129.00 Collected-to-Date $20,141.50 (156 out of 565 Units) Balance Due $10,987.50 *The Short-fall is Billed to the Parish*
Financial Stewardship Opportunities - Timely contributions are important for meeting cash flow needs. If 153 members contributed : $5 per week: Parish Support would increase $39,780 $3 per week: Parish Support would increase $23,868 $1 per week: Parish Support would increase $7,956
LOOKING TO THE FUTURE 2009/2010 Budget * No Change to Stewardship Goal * Applying for Grants * No Increases to Salaries for Any Staff Member * Operating Expenses Kept at Same Level as Prior Year or Less Automatic Withdrawal for Weekly/Monthly Stewardship
What can you do to help? Catch up on Stewardship Continue to Participate in Fundraisers Consider Volunteer Opportunities: Building & Grounds, Committees, etc…. Consider Contributing to Safe Harbor Campaign Consider Contributing to Endowment Funds
If you have a question, comment, concern or interested in being on the Finance Committee or being a trustee, please call: Trustees: Ed Cross (487-5122) or Jane Michalik (388-4004) Finance Committee: Bill Kenzik (487-2048) Marge Naze (487-2433) Mary Nelson (487-2785) Steve Luedke (487-3557) Dr. Rob Anderson (487-7299) Parish Office (487-5005)