Instruments of the Orchestra Naming the Families and their Instruments
Can You Name The Four Instrument Families? Each of the instruments belongs in one for the 4 instrument families. Click on the instrument to see what family it belongs in and then take the instrument challenge to see how much you know. After you have visited all four families, click here Clarinet Violin Trumpet Bass Drum
String Family Violin Instruments in the String Family need to have strings that can be plucked or bowed. Cello Viola String Bass
Brass Family Trombone French Horn Instruments in the Brass Family must be made of brass and use valves or a slide. Tuba Trumpet
Woodwind Family Flute Instruments in the Woodwind Family use wind and sometimes a wood reed. Clarinet Bassoon Piccolo Oboe
Percussion Family Triangle Maracas Instruments in the Percussion Family need to shaken, struck or scraped. Gong Marimba Bass Drum Snare Drum
How Much Do You Know? Make sure to keep track of your score and submit it into Edmodo. Click on the Instrument that belongs in the String Family. Click the Instrument that belongs in the Brass Family. Click the Instrument that belongs in the Woodwind Family. Click the Instrument that belongs in the Percussion Family. Click the Instrument that plays the highest sound in the orchestra.
How do the instruments need to be played to be in the Percussion Family? The strings need to be strummed or plucked. The instruments need to be shaken, scraped or struck. What instrument belongs in the Woodwind Family but isn’t in the orchestra? Bassoon Saxophone The piano can belong in which 2 families? Percussion and String Brass and Percussion What is the job of the Conductor? To keep the orchestra together To write the music the orchestra will be playing What instrument is in the String Family that is a little bigger than the violin? French Horn Viola
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You Passed! If your score was 7 or 8, you passed the quiz, but you may want to go back and review before going on to the next assignment. If you do, click the notes below and you will be taken back to the beginning of the quiz. Make sure to submit your new score along with your past score into Edmodo. Thanks for the hard work!
You Deserve a Pat On The Back! If your score was a 9 or 10, you did a wonderful job! Record your score in Edmodo and continue onto our next assignment or click the link at the bottom to see if you can recognize the instruments by their sounds. Good Luck!