The European Economic and Social Commitee Co-spokespersons : Coheur Alain – Balon Krzysztof
EESC Social Economy Category 10 – 10.30 a.m. Welcome and introduction by the Co-Spokespersons Review of the activities of the Category in 2015 – report presented to the EESC Bureau 10.30 – 11.15 a.m. 11.15 – 11.45 a.m. 11.45 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Discussion on the main priorities for the Category and its Work Programme for 2016: Exchange of views on cooperation with the EESC Permanent Study Group on Social Economy Enterprises: Mr Oliver Röpke (Group II), President of the EESC Permanent Study Group on Social Economy Enterprises Q & As Promoting the Social Economy throughout Europe Ms Marie J. Bouchard, Editor of 'The Weight of the Social Economy'- presentation on The Weight, Size and Scope of the Social Economy in Europe
Social Economy Introduction The Social Economy in the EU Arena European Economic and Social Committee Social Economy Category EU Presidency PSG. SEE Social Economy European Commission European Council European Parliament IG SE GECES
The Social Economy at the European Parliament OBJECTIVES Ensure a better follow-up and that greater account is taken of the social economy in the Opinions adopted by the Committees of the EP Promote exchanges of views on European policies relating to the Social Economy Provide opportunities for dialogue between the Members of the EP, social economy actors and the EC Ensure the relay of the preoccupations of the social economy to the various Political Groups PUBLIC HEARINGS 2015 April : Integrate the social economy in European policies June : The financing of social economy enterprises September : A legal framework for social economy enterprises and organisations 2016 January : The social economy as a creator of quality jobs March : Public markets: reinvigorating partnerships between the social economy and public authorities June : The European Financial Institutions of the social economy: financing the real economy EESC : Observer Member of the Bureau of the Intergroup of the EP
The Social Economy at the EC Group of Experts of the Committee on Social Entrepreneurship (GECES) Since 2015, period of Bienkowska Renewal of the Members of GECES : Creation of 4 working groups: - Improving access to financing - Increasing the visibility of social entrepreneurship - Improving the legal environment - Reinforcing the exernal dimension => 1st draft presented on 30 June => Recommandations for concrete actions by the end of 2016. Between 2011 and 2014, period of Barnier Social Business Initiative (SBI) The EC put the social economy on the European agenda! The response to the economic crisis is given by : - Social entrepreneurship - Social innovation & social entrepreneurship - The involvement of social in private capital, given the disengagement of the public sector - An interest of enterprises in social activities via CSR The creation of GECES Principal challenge : action plan for the social economy in the action programme for the Internal Market in 2017. Several EESC Members belong to GECES
The Social Economy at the Council An important role for the Presidencies - Italian Presidency: Rome Strategy (Nov. 2014) - Luxembourg Presidency : Conclusions of the Council (7 Dec. 2015) The promotion of the social economy as a key drive of economic and social development in Europe => focussing on economic enterprises and not only on social entrepreneurship and social enterprises
Review of the activities of the category in 2015 Two principal achievements to which the Category indirectly contributed : The adoption of the conclusions of the EPSCO Council of 7 December on 'The Promotion of the Social Economy as a Key Driver of Economic and Social Development in Europe' (specific reference to the EESC in point 13); The adoption of the Roadmap 'Towards a More Comprehensive Ecosystem for Social Economy Enterprises' on 4 December and signed by representatives of the governments of France, Italy, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. The Category members have participated in many events representing the Category.
Discussion of the main priorities and its Work programme for 2016 Mainstreaming of the social economy in EESC Opinions European Parliament’s Cooperation with the Social Economy Intergroup Cooperation with other EESC bodies Report on “The social economy in the European Union 2017” Promoting the social economy enterprise model all over Europe An EU inter-institutional meeting: Towards a common EU understanding of the social economy The development of the social economy at the international level
Permanent Study Group on Social Economy Enterprises Exchange of views on cooperation with the EESC Permanent Study on Social Economy Enterprises Mr Oliver Röpke, President Permanent Study Group on Social Economy Enterprises (created by the decision of the Bureau in September 2015) Objectives : Contribute to the development of a policy on social enterprises and to its heightened visibility: Opinion => Social innovation as a new model for economic development => Collaborative economy (ongoing) 1st July : European Day of Social Economy Enterprises European Year of Social Economy Enterprises
Promoting the Social Economy throughout Europe Ms Marie Bouchard « The Weight of the Social Economy »