Important Reminders! All families wishing to utilise the service must enrol their child/ren before they want their child/ren to attend. To enrol go to Administration hours are 9am to 2.30pm daily. If you have queries regarding schedules, accounts, enrolments, or any other administration issues, please contact DBOOSH during these hours. Face to face hours are between 7-9am and 2.30-6.30pm. During these hours staff are focused on supervising, caring for, and interacting with children. Please remember that it is a legal requirement that parents sign their child/ren out each afternoon. When attending before school care parents must sign children in. St Patricks Day St Patricks Day is an annual celebration that honours the Irish patron St. Patrick and the Irish heritage. In the lead up to St Patricks Day we will be engaging in a variety of educational and fun activities to teach the children all about the cultural and historical roots of this celebration. On March 17th we will be hosting a St Patricks party at DBOOSH and we invite all families to attend. We’ll have a variety of green snacks, lots of art and craft activities, and games! If your child does not usually attend on Thursday and you would like them to attend, please don’t forget to enrol them casually for that day.