The Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research Jon Keating University of Bristol Jon Keating
HIMR is A national research institute focusing on mathematics and statistics: algebra, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, data science, number theory, probability, quantum information; Funded by GCHQ; Now in its 11th year of operation; Expanding significantly.
HIMR has At any one time, typically over 40 members, ranging from highly distinguished academic secondees to Research Fellows (25-30); Facilities in Bristol and London; Impact.
HIMR’s members Split their time between fundamental mathematical questions posed by GCHQ and their own personal academic research; Have come from over 20 UK universities; Number more than 150 over the past 10 years, including over 60 Research Fellows.
Heilbronn Fellows include some of the most promising early-career mathematicians in the UK; Are currently hosted in 7 universities: Bath, Bristol, Cambridge, ICL, KCL, Oxford and UCL; Typically go on to enjoy successful careers in academia.
HIMR Runs a number of conferences, workshops and focused research events each year; Funds mathematical events across the UK.
Coming soon Algebraisation and Geometrisation in the Langlands programme, 29 March – 1 April Extrema of Logarithmically Correlated Processes, Characteristic Polynomials, and the Riemann Zeta-Function 9-13 May Heilbronn Annual Conference 15-16 September
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