Tommy, Izzy, Luke, Kenzie Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci used technology to enhance his invention by creating things that were not here before.
Leonardo was born in Florence Italy his mother was Cateina his father was Ser Piero. When Leonardo was young his mother and his father did not want him so they gave him to his father’s dad and mom. Born April 15, 1452
When Leonardo was younger he had to use paint brushes made from animal hairs that were stuck into wooden handles. They painted with tempera it was based of eggs. You were probably wondering if they used colors, well they did. He was taught to make colors. Blue was made from grinding a stone called the lapis lazuli into a dust. To make red they took beetles and crushed them. Yellow was made from juice of one kind of berry.
They didn’t have canvases so they used a flat panel of wood, but the process was long to get a soft wooden flat surface. First they had to boil it so it didn’t split or crack later on. Then glue was put on with a brush. After a coat of gesso a plaster was put on. This gave us a nice smooth surface for painting. This is what the finishing product looks like.
The Baptist of Christ was his first painting he built it in 1472 it was a painting of Jesus standing in a rocky stream. Saint John pours water over his head. At the left in the painting are two angels.
Another important painting or statue was the Statue of David he finished it in 1473. The Statue of David represent pleasure together with pain.
Also he made the Leonardo's horse Also he made the Leonardo's horse. The reason why he made the horse is because the Duke wanted a giant statue of a horse and wanted Leonardo to build it. “It would be more than three times the size of a real horse.” Leonardo wanted it to look like a real horse so he visited the stables, studying how a horse was put together. It was a 10 year project in November 1493 it was made (the clay model). In 1499 the French took over Milan and used the giant clay horse as a big target for practice. They shot arrows into it till it was completely destroyed and turned into dust.
Leonardo was never able to make the bronze horse Leonardo was never able to make the bronze horse. Charles Dent wanted to build the bronze horse he started to make models, and plasters. Just when he was ready to build the bronze horse he died Christmas morning 1994. A artist named Nina Akamu wanted to finally build the bronze horse for Leonardo, and Charles. She got lots of help from many people, first they made a eight –foot clay horse. Than from it a second eight-foot horse was made of plaster. Than a twenty-four-foot horse was made from clay. Finally he was ready to bronze. The bronze horse was to big to fit in the crates so than had to cut it into separate pieces than shipped to Milan. A cool fact is that in each eye Nina put Leonardo and Charles names and put her name on the mane.
So last things we are going to talk about is the Mona Lisa it was made in 1503. The reason why he made the Mona Lisa is because a rich silk merchant wanted a portrait of his wife and wanted Leonardo to paint it. Another one he made was the ornithopter a flying machine.
Leonardo impacted on the global community by showing inspiration, he impacted our nation by making the ornithopter. He impacted are state by having other artists in are state and making new creations, he impacted are community by giving us the knowledge to paint. He also impacted our personal life's by showing as a normal person can do some amazing things. Leonardo da Vinci was an amazing artist.
Thank you for watching! Kenzie, Izzy, Luke, Tommy