Civil Participation and Social Change: Case of Ukraine Study group: Daria Stepovaya, Peter Pantiushkin.
Timeline of the Protests Euromaidan 2013-2014 South-Eastern Ukraine Protests 2014 Crimean Protests February 2014 Anti-war\Anti mobilization Protests 2014-2015 Anti-Russia Protests 2014-2015 Protests against the trade with occupied territories of Donbass 2017
Maidan Phases Protests against suspension of EAA 21.11-01.12.2013 Protests against Yanukovich and his government 01.12-16.01.2014 Violent protests against the “Dictatorship Law” 19.01-27.01.2014 Passive inactive protests (Staying on Maidan) Negotiation Time 28.01-20.02.2014 Violent escalation of protests after the 100+victims 18-22.02.2014
Waves of Maidan 2013
Waves of Maidan 2014
Factors Economic Factors Political Factor Socio-Cultural Factors Russian gas price Corruption Small and Medium business difficulties State’s debt Political Factor Suspension of EEA Oligarchic Government Yanukovych’s total control of country Government repressive laws and police brutality(LATER) Socio-Cultural Factors Dreams and Hopes about EU association Russian-EU transit puppet
Unemployment Rate
Characteristic of Maidan Revolution Peaceful\Violent Vertical and Horizontal Organization Powerful civil donation Strong political involvement Strong far-right involvement Spontaneous New organizations are built during the protests CONSTANT PROCESS FOR 3 MONTH. Never stopped.
Demands of the Protesters Resignation Impeachment New elections Signing the EAA Punishment for the police brutality Free the political prisoners, the detained Maidan protesters Cancel anti-protest laws. SOME SLOGANS: “Ukraine is Europe!”, “bandits out”, “Out with the thugs”, “Revolution”, “Shame”, “EU”
Demographic Structure in November-January MEN: 59% WOMEN: 41% AGE UNDER 24: 35% AGE 25-30: 18% AGE 31-55: 30% AGE ABOVE 56: 12% SECONDARY EDUCATION: 25,06% HIGHER EDUCATION: 73,94%
Reaction on the protests Yanukovich: “EAA does not have anything in common with the Ukrainian security and interests.” Condemnation of the violence Promise to work on the EAA more thoroughly Government: Dictatorship laws release of the detained Maidan Protesters Riot police: increased brutality and agression USA: condemnation of the violent action of Yanukovich’s government Russian Federation: accusation of EU, US, Maidan protesters. EU: support the freedom fighters
Outcome of Maidan Yanukovich flee to Russian Federation. Legal prosecution. First Yatsenyuk government Protests against the new government in South-East of Ukraine, Crimean crisis, Donbass crisis. Decrease of GDP Increase in inflation, corruption, unemployment,etc. Dissolve of the Berkut riot police Nationwide destruction of the Soviet monuments