The Armenian Genocide Why UK doesn’t recognize the Armenian Genocide?
What is the Armenian Genocide? The extermination of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the surrounding regions during 1915-1923 is called the Armenian Genocide. Those massacres were masterminded and perpetrated by the government of Young Turks and were later finalized by the Kemalist government. The First World War gave the Young Turks the opportunity to settle accounts with Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire, thus implementing the decision of the secret meeting of 1911 in Thessaloniki. The plan was to tukify the Muslims and to exterminate the Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Talaat Pasha (Interior Minister), Enver Pasha (Minister of Military Affairs), Djemal Pasha (commander of the Palestinian Front), Behaeddin Shakir Bey (Young Turk Central Committee member) and others were among the orchestrators of the project.
What is the Armenian Genocide? Intending to annihilate Armenians, they wanted to eliminate the Armenian Question. Armenia and Armenians were an obstacle on the way of the project of the Yong Turks. Their dream of “Great Turan” was to stretch from the Bosporus to Altai. During the First World War the Young Turks perpetrated massacres against Assyrians, Greeks and Arabs living in the Ottoman Empire. In February 1915 the military minister Envier Pasha ordered to eliminate the Armenian soldiers serving in the Army. On April 24 and the following days 800 Armenians were arrested in Constantinople and exiled to the depths of Anatolia.
What is the Armenian Genocide ? Armenian writers, journalists, doctors, scientists, clergymen, intellectuals including Armenian members of the parliament were among them. A part of them died on the way of the exile, while others died after reaching there. The first international response to the violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia and the Great Britain in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities against the Armenians were defined as “a crime against humanity and civilization”. According to them, Turkish government was responsible for the implementation of the crime.
Why was the Armenian Genocide perpetrated? When WWI erupted; the government of the Young Turks adopted the policy of Pan-Turkism, hoping to save the remains of the weakened Ottoman Empire. The plan was to create an enormous Ottoman Empire that would spread to China, include all the Turkish speaking nations of the Caucasus and Middle Asia, intending also to turkify all the ethnic minorities of the empire. The Armenian population became the main obstacle standing in the way of the realization of this policy. Besides, the constitution restored after the Revolution of 1908 promised equal rights to all citizens of the Ottoman Empire. Armenians enthusiastically embraced this opportunity; however the change of status of previously deprived Armenians increased the hostility of the Turks towards Christians.
Why was the Armenian Genocide perpetrated? This hostility was formed long ago, as even in the conditions of deprivation Armenians of the Ottoman empire provided unprecedented social, cultural and economic development. The genocide was a means to suppress this ascent, as well as to seize the Armenian wealth created during decades. The Young Turks used WWI as a suitable opportunity for the implementation of the Armenian genocide, although it was planned in 1911-1912. There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire before the First World War. Approximately one and a half million Armenians were killed from 1915-1923. The remaining part was either Islamized or exiled.
British Government Rejects Genocide Recognition London (PA News) A bid to get the British Government to recognize as "genocide" the deportation and massacre and slaughter of thousands of Armenians by the Ottoman government of Turkey in 1915, was rejected by ministers in the Lords. Foreign Office spokesman, Baroness Ramsay of Cart vale, said the British Government had condemned the massacres at the time. She added, "the present British Government, like its predecessors, in no way dissents from that view, nor do we seek to deny what happened or try to play down the extent of the tragedy. The Government announced.
British Government Rejects Genocide Recognition "But in the absence of unequivocal evidence that the Ottoman administration took a specific decision to eliminate the Armenians under their control at that time, British governments have not recognized those events as indications of genocide. "Nor do we believe it is the business of governments of today to review events of over 80 years ago, with a view to pronouncing on them. The events of 1915-16 remain a painful issue in relation to two states with which we enjoy excellent relations. "For our part, it is better to look forward rather than back. We hope Turkey and Armenia will be able to overcome their legacy of bitterness. The right approach is to urge the peoples of the region to look to the future."
What is the Great Britain's position regarding Armenian Genocide in 1915? The representatives of Great Britain told that they recognize and deeply regret the terrible suffering inflicted on the Armenian people in 1915. Reading the scholarship, visiting the Tsitsernakaberd Museum, seeing the photos and the written testimony, is enormously moving. They believe it is vitally important to honor the memory of the victims; and they must make sure they draw the necessary lessons from history. But while they must never forget the past, they believe that their priority today should be to promote reconciliation between the peoples and Governments of Armenia and Turkey and to find a way for Armenia and Turkey, as the countries which have inherited this tragic joint history, to address that history together. They want to encourage and support any process which will help both countries to do that.
What is the Great Britain's position regarding Armenian Genocide in 1915? The UK position is that we do not recognize the massacres as “genocide” – this issue is one for Turkey and Armenia to resolve between themselves. Progress towards normalization of bilateral relations between Turkey and Armenia was halted in April 2010 as a result of Turkey linking ratification of the relevant protocols with progress on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Normalizations could bring long term benefits for the peace and stability of the whole region. The UK has supported a number of projects designed to promote normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations. These have included a Turkish film festival in Yerevan, a touring theatre production about the Turkish/Armenian relationship and bringing together activists in both countries to discuss EU integration.
Is it possible to say that Turkey has a role in UK's status of not recognizing Armenian Genocide? They have a strong relationship with Turkey, both as a trade and investment partner, and as a strategic ally in NATO. They strongly support the accession of Turkey to the EU, believing that a modern, democratic Turkey bound to Europe with strong institutional, cultural and economic ties is in their best interests and in the best interests of the wider region. But their position on this issue remains based on the view that there has to be a process of reconciliation led by Armenia and Turkey themselves.
Is it possible to say that Turkey has a role in UK's status of not recognizing Armenian Genocide? As we have discovered in Europe, after the terrible destruction and barbarity of war – it is much easier to become reconciled, to build trust, to face up to history, when you are building up a web of relationships economically, culturally, and politically. This was, in fact, the founding principle of the EU – after the horrors of war, to bring, in the first place, countries’ economies together, to create institutions where common interests could be explored and deepened, to give a future focus to the process of reconciliation.
Is it possible to say that Turkey has a role in UK's status of not recognizing Armenian Genocide? The UK’s excellent relationship with Turkey is long-standing and based on a wide range of bilateral and multilateral issues. Turkey is a key strategic ally in the region on a number of international issues, such as Syria, Cyprus and the EU. But the UK government position on this issue is based on their assessment of what is best for the stability and security of the entire region, including both Armenia and Turkey.
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