Graphing polygons on the coordinate plane. Standard 6.G.3
1: Name the coordinates of the vertices and the polygon.
2: Name the coordinates of the vertices and the polygon.
3: Name the coordinates of the vertices and the polygon.
4: Name the coordinates of the vertices and the polygon.
5: Name the coordinates of the vertices and the polygon.
6: Name the coordinates of the vertices and the polygon.
Card 7: Draw the polygon in the coordinate plane given the following coordinates: B (-8,9) C (3,-2) D (3,9) What is this polygon?
Card 8: Draw the polygon in the coordinate plane given the following coordinates: What is this polygon?
Card 9: Draw the polygon in the coordinate plane given the following coordinates: J (-1,10) K (-1,6) L (7,6) M (7,10) What is this polygon?
Card 10: Draw the polygon in the coordinate plane given the following coordinates: Q (9,3) What is this polygon?
R (-3,-9) S (-4,-4) T (-6,-5) U (-9, -8) What is this polygon? Card 11: Draw the polygon in the coordinate plane given the following coordinates: R (-3,-9) S (-4,-4) T (-6,-5) U (-9, -8) What is this polygon?
W (-8, 0) X (-2, 6) Y (10, 6) Z (4, 0) What is this polygon? Card 12: Draw the polygon in the coordinate plane given the following coordinates: W (-8, 0) X (-2, 6) Y (10, 6) Z (4, 0) What is this polygon?
Card 13: Where would the next point be for a square Card 13: Where would the next point be for a square? Name all of the coordinates. B C A
Card 14: Where could the next point be for a triangle Card 14: Where could the next point be for a triangle? Name all of the coordinates. F E
Card 15: Where would the next point be for a rectangle Card 15: Where would the next point be for a rectangle? Name all of the coordinates. H I J
Card 16: Where could the next point be for a quadrilateral Card 16: Where could the next point be for a quadrilateral? Name all of the coordinates. M L N
Card 17: Where would the next point be for an isosceles trapezoid? Q R
Card 18: Where could the next point be for an isosceles triangle Card 18: Where could the next point be for an isosceles triangle? Name all of the coordinates. W X
Card 19: What is the length of any side, given that this is a square? What is the area?
Card 20: What is the length of side CB? What do you think the area is?
Card 21: What is the length of side AB and AC, given that this is a rectangle? What is the area?
Card 22: What is the length of sides BC and AD, given that this is a parallelogram? What is the area? B C A D
Card 23: What is the length of side CD in this trapezoid Card 23: What is the length of side CD in this trapezoid? Now find the area. A B Enrichment! C D
Card 24: What is the area of this hexagon Card 24: What is the area of this hexagon? Hint: break it down in to familiar pieces! Enrichment!
Reflection One thing you understand and one thing you are still confused about. What do you think we are going to do next? What thinking strategies did you use today? Be specific.