The Scientific Revolution Reason Laws Progress Skepticism = the refusal to grant that there is any knowledge or justification Associated with Descartes & Hume
The Scientific Revolution Development in Renaissance Era Copernicus Galileo Universities in the middle ages Predominant view was from Aristotle and adopted by the church: heavenly spheres Copernicus proposed a sun centered universe Brahe furthered this theory and was supported by monarchs in Denmark and Bohemia Kepler – laws of planetary motion – elliptical motion of planets around the sun Science emerges as a branch of philosophy: “natural philosophers” Discoveries of ancient thought during the Renaissance and also value on knowledge Patronage extended to scientists too (science’s link with exploration) Galileo- improved on the telescope With the telescope found craters on the moon Book Starry Messenger- confirmed the heliocentric theory which brought him in conflict with the church (Because Galileo had proof through the telescope, and because he was very forward with his beliefs, it brought him into more trouble than the other scientists)
Renaissance medicine/anatomy Vesalius: On the Fabric of the Human Body Most of what was believed about the human body was based on the Greek physician Galen. He believed there were humors in the body that impacted health. Vesalius and Harvey made discoveries that were a departure from Galen. On the Fabric of the Human Body is based on Vesalius’ dissections. Book would not have been possible without artistic advances of the Renaissance or the printing press. Harvey demonstrated the heart was the beginning point for circulation and blood in the body. William Harvey – On the Motion of the Heart and the Blood
The scientific method Bacon and Descartes Empiricism Argued that knowledge had to be pursued through research. For example, if you want to learn more about leaves or rocks, you must collect them, compare them etc. This is called empiricism: observing what you can see. Descartes furthered this idea of the scientific method saying that each step should be precise and mathematically proven.
ISAAC NEWTON AND THE PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA The following film will get at the why the scientific revolution was truly revolutionary to the way we see our world. How might this have influenced people thinking about government at the time?
How are the ideals of reason, progress, questioning, and rational thought embodied in the work and lives of Newton, Halley and others in 18th century London? Details/Terms/Facts/Names related to big picture question