Turner-Dixon 10th Grade Writing Surviving FSA Writing Informative and Argumentative Essays Turner-Dixon, 2015
Informative Essay Introductory Paragraph Hook Question Definition Anecdote Quotation Background Transition into your Thesis Thesis Taken from prompt With your input Turner-Dixon, 2015
Informative Essay Body Paragraph 1 Topic sentence Introduces quotation Evidence Direct quotation from a source Cite source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence Connection “This shows, This illustrates…” Analysis/Commentary Explain why the quote is relevant Make an intelligent commentary which connects quote with thesis Turner-Dixon, 2015
Informative Essay Body Paragraph 2 Transition →Topic sentence Evidence “Additionally” “Furthermore” “Moreover” Introduces quotation Evidence Direct quotation from a source Cite source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence Connection “This shows, This illustrates…” Analysis/Commentary Explain why the quote is relevant Make an intelligent commentary which connects quote with thesis Turner-Dixon, 2015
Informative Essay Body Paragraph 3 Transition →Topic sentence “Additionally” “Furthermore” “Moreover” Introduces quotation Evidence Direct quotation from a source Cite source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence Connection “This shows, This illustrates…” Analysis/Commentary Explain why the quote is relevant Make an intelligent commentary which connects quote with thesis Turner-Dixon, 2015
Informative Essay Conclusion Summarize thesis Re-examine hook Tie up loose ends Connect to your hook, opening statement Turner-Dixon, 2015
Argumentative Essay Introductory Paragraph Hook “Imagine”- create a scenario Definition Anecdote Quotation Background Transition into your Claim Claim (YOU MUST PICK A SIDE-TAKE A POSITION) Taken from prompt With your input Turner-Dixon, 2015
Argumentative Essay Body Paragraph 1 (1st reason-supporting evidence for claim) Topic sentence Introduces quotation Evidence Direct quotation from a source Cite source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence Connection “This shows, This illustrates…” Analysis/Commentary Explain why the quote is relevant Make an intelligent commentary which proves the claim Turner-Dixon, 2015
Argumentative Essay Body Paragraph 2 (2nd reason-supporting evidence for the claim) Transition →Topic sentence “Additionally” “Furthermore” “Moreover” Introduces quotation Evidence Direct quotation from a source Cite source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence Connection “This shows, This illustrates…” Analysis/Commentary Explain why the quote is relevant Make an intelligent commentary which proves the claim Turner-Dixon, 2015
Argumentative Essay Body Paragraph 3 (reason why claim doesn’t work- supporting evidence for counterclaim) Transition →Topic sentence “However” “On the contrary” “Despite this fact” Introduces quotation (evidence of counterclaim-opposite position) Evidence Direct quotation from a source (opposite position) Cite source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence Connection “This shows, This illustrates…” Transition → Refutation (go back to your claim/position) “Nevertheless” “Nonetheless” - then make an intelligent commentary which connects back to your claim Turner-Dixon, 2015
Argumentative Essay Conclusion Summarize claim Re-examine hook Tie up loose ends Connect to your hook, completes the scenario Turner-Dixon, 2015
Remember You must have a thesis/claim. Read all sources carefully. Cite every source. Elaborate by commenting on each quotation. Indent every paragraph. Read, revise, and edit your essay. Avoid poor grammar. Check for spelling errors. Turner-Dixon, 2015