Data Driven Safety Analysis in the Project Development Process: State Practices Integrating Safety Performance into ALL Highway Investment Decisions.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Driven Safety Analysis in the Project Development Process: State Practices Integrating Safety Performance into ALL Highway Investment Decisions

Safety Analysis in Project Development Peer Exchanges DC Federal Lands Puerto Rico

Every Day Counts Data-Driven Safety Analysis Initiative Goal: Integrate safety performance into ALL highway investment decisions

The Project Development Process

Safety Analysis in Project Development: Determining Appropriate Level of Analysis VA: Traffic Operations & Safety Analysis Manual OR: Analysis Procedures Manual FHWA: Scale and Scope of Safety Analysis Methods in the Project Development Process (coming soon)

Safety Analysis in Planning and Scoping

Safety Analysis Applications in Planning and Scoping IL: Safer Road Index in Project Prioritization and Scoping CO: Transportation Safety Management and Operations Evaluations Supporting Design Scoping Reviews

Case Study: Illinois DOT Safer Road Index & Performance Metrics Evaluation pavement condition and safety together to prioritize projects Condition Rating System (CRS) – Structural: Loss of load carrying capacity or structural breakdown International Roughness Index (IRI) – Functional/Surface: Excessive roughness impacting functional usability and causing drive discomfort Safer Roads Index (SRI) – Safety Performance (PSI): Establishes safety risk based on historical severe crashes and exposure State of Repair CRS Range 9.0 to 7.6 Excellent 7.5 to 6.1 Good 6.0 to 4.6 Fair 4.5 to 1.0 Poor IRI Range (in/mi) 1 to 94 95 to 177 > 177 SRI Range Minimal Low Minor Medium Moderate High Severe 5% Credit: IL DOT

Case Study: Illinois DOT Safer Road Index & Performance Metrics Ranked from High to Low Credit: IL DOT

Case Study: Illinois DOT Safer Road Index & Performance Metrics Legend Credit: IL DOT

Safety Analysis for ALL Projects

Safety Analysis in Alternatives/Environmental Analysis

Safety Analysis Applications in Alternatives/Environmental Analysis MN: Trunk Highway 371 OH: I-270/US 33 Interchange

Minnesota Trunk Highway 371 Name Description Total Crashes Segment Crashes Intersection Crashes Injury Crashes PDO Crashes Existing (HSM Prediction) As predicted by the Highway Safety Manual 60.4 32.8 27.6 19.9 40.5 Alterative 1 Do Nothing, 2030 Traffic Volumes 103.9 77.2 26.7 34.4 69.5 Alternative 2 4 Lane on the existing alignment 66.7 48.7 18.0 27.2 39.5 Alternative 3 4 Lane on the existing alignment with the Pequot Lakes bypass with Traffic Signal 88.1 50.5 37.6 36.5 51.6 Alternative 3 (Modified) 4 Lane on the existing alignment with the Pequot Lakes bypass with Interchange 80.9 30.4 34.0 46.9 Alternative 4 4 Lane on the existing alignment with the Pequot Lakes and Jenkins Bypass with Traffic Signals 99.3 50.3 49.0 41.5 57.8 Alternative 4 (Modified) 4 Lane on the existing alignment with the Pequot Lakes and Jenkins Bypass with Interchanges 88.2 37.9 37.3 50.9 Alternative 5 4 Lane on the existing alignment with the Jenkins Bypass with Traffic Signal 79.5 29.2 32.5 47.0 Alternative 5 (Modified) 4 Lane on the existing alignment with the Jenkins Bypass with Interchange 75.0 24.7 31.0 44.0

Case Study: I-270/US 33 Interchange, Dublin OH Three of eight interchange alternatives were developed and analyzed based on a list of criteria: Traffic Operations Design & Construction Environmental Impacts Right-of-Way Needs Capital Costs Safety Performance ISATe

Case Study: I-270/US 33 Interchange, Dublin OH Alternative 8 predicted to have lowest KAB crash frequency and lowest expected societal cost City of Dublin and ODOT selected Alternative 8 as the preferred alternative based on all of the criteria. ISATe

Safety Analysis in Design

Safety Analysis Applications in Design Phase MO: Safety Analysis Requirement in Design Exception Policy KS: Performance-Based Practical Design Selecting design elements/features Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE)

MoDOT’s Design Exception Process - 131.1 In addition, if the design exception request involves safety related features that are adequately addressed in the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, then documentation of the exception should include a safety analysis as described in the manual.

Kansas DOT K-177 Modernization Project

Every Day Counts Data-Driven Safety Analysis Initiative Goal: Integrate safety performance into ALL highway investment decisions