You=? The Promise Made The Promise Kept Collage Here You=? Frame of Reference: Christian Leader Customer: The World The Promise Made The Promise Kept What Sets Me Apart From Other Christian Leaders What Makes This Point of Difference Relevant? How Is My Promise Packaged? How Do I Deliver My Benefit? How Do I Measure My Success? How Do I Sustain The Promise?
= The Promise Made The Promise Kept Your Picture or Collage Here. How Can You Package Yourself to Capture The Essence of Your Brand Benefit? Have Fun With This. While Your Photo Will Tell Them, Are There Other Things About You and Your Benefit As A Christian Leader That Would Help People Recognize You? Smell Touch Taste Sound Sight Can you define your brand using more than just sight and sound? = Frame of Reference: Christian Leader Customer: The World The Promise Made The Promise Kept What Sets Me Apart From Other Christian Leaders What Makes This Point of Difference Relevant? How Is My Promise Packaged? How Do I Deliver My Benefit? How Do I Measure My Success? How Do I Sustain The Promise? The benefit should be short and concise and beneficial like: “I Won’t Waste Your Time? Explain why not wasting people’s time is meaningful. Keep it brief. Consider the Coke bottle “Smashable” test. Consider the “Sensogram” If your benefit is not wasting time, list at least five ways you’re going to deliver on this. If you fail, how will you know? What will be your feedback mechanism? How will you react? Time change. So do people. How will you sustain this promise over time to keep it fresh and relevant?