Special Measures Monitoring Inspection of West Wycombe Combined School
Summary Judgement Leaders and managers are taking effective action towards the removal of special measures The school may appoint newly qualified teachers before the next monitoring inspection
Evidence Short visits made to every classroom to look at learning – some jointly with senior leaders Scrutiny of pupils’ work, discussions with pupils in a prearranged meeting, in lessons and around school Discussions with parents at the school gate Meetings held with the Interim Headteacher, leaders, members of the IEB and the education adviser from BLT Documentary evidence including safeguarding records, policies, strategic planning, analyses of pupils’ achievements were evaluated Documents relating to behaviour, attendance records of meetings of the IEB and visits from LA advisers were scrutinised A telephone conversation was held with the manager of the LA Safeguarding team who has been supporting the school
The effectiveness of leadership & management – the strengths Since September the Interim Headteacher and governors have acted decisively – they rapidly implemented new systems and procedures and are able to demonstrate a clear trail of effective improvements Staff morale is improved and there is a shared sense of purpose and drive to improve standards Outcomes are improving, particularly in Early Years and by the end of key stages 1 & 2
Continued… The school’s action plan has proved effective The Deputy Headteacher has worked tirelessly to lead the development of a new curriculum Subject leaders are ambitious and share senior leaders’ drive for school improvement There are now appropriate arrangements for safeguarding. Pupils told the inspector they feel safe in the school and feel well looked after. Parents confirmed this view.
The effectiveness of leadership & management – areas for development Address inconsistencies across year groups There is more work to do to improve teacher subject knowledge to improve standards of learning in science and the wider curriculum Priority needs to be given to improve the leadership of SEN
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment – the strengths The strong partnership between the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher has significantly improved teaching this year Leaders have sourced suitable training and support for teachers and teaching assistants Leaders have established non-negotiable standards for learning and raised expectations of what pupils can and should achieve
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment – areas for development More needs to be done to plan for activities that meet the needs of all learners To continue to improve the quality of teaching Progress of pupils is inconsistent across the school – this relates to teacher subject knowledge and feedback provided to pupils
Personal development, behaviour and welfare – the strengths Pupils’ behaviour has improved significantly. They are smart, polite and conduct themselves well. Pupils told me that they recognise that behaviour is better than it was, bullying is rare and they feel that staff care for them well. In assembly they listened attentively and then the whole school confidently sang with gusto and a clear sense of pride.
Personal development, behaviour and welfare – areas for development Better us of adult supervision is needed at lunchtimes and breaktimes during busy changeover periods Some low level disruption remains in a minority of classes Some pupils do not take enough care with the presentation of their work The attendance of disadvantaged pupils has not improved
Outcomes for pupils The progress that children make is improving but many are still working below ARE Maths remains a whole school priority Work is needed to catch up from a legacy of weaker teaching Attainment and progress in reading and writing are improving in most year groups Outcomes for children in Reception have improved this year and those reaching a GLD is in line with national figures
External support The Chair and governors of the IEB are dedicated and committed to the school They have worked hard to support and challenge the school and ensure that standards have improved during a time of considerable turbulence The IEB has shown considerable resilience and tenacity to ensure it finds a suitable sponsor for the school