Get Ready, Get Set, Present! John W. McGuthry Chief Information Officer Armstrong Atlantic State University
Overview Background Information Planning Building Preparing Delivering
Background Information Control Influence Luck
Background Information Manage Expectations Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. If you under promise, they may never hear the good stuff. Always promise what you can deliver.
Preparing Your Presentation Why are you presenting? Status Update Idea or Proposal Information Sharing Seeking Information or Input Other ?
Preparing Your Presentation Who is your audience? Peers Absolutely no Idea Subordinates/Superiors Technical Audience Non Technical Audience
Preparing Your Presentation Know your limitations. Be Yourself. Do not try to become another person (it usually does not work).
Building Your Media Don’t spend too much time. Too much “BLING”? Don’t go font crazy. Not everyone will get your humor, live with it.
Building Your Media Tell them what you are going to do. Tell them. Tell the what you told them. How do you make your presentation better?
Building Your Media Presentations are not papers? How much detail do you need? Remember your audience? Think about your time constraints.
Preparing to Deliver Do you really need to memorize every word of your presentation? How much time to you have? Are you just before or after lunch? What is the location and will that impact your nerves?
Preparing to Deliver It is good to be nervous/take advantage of that extra energy. Disaster recovery plan/too fast or too slow. How do you handle the heckler, walk outer, sleeper.
Preparing to Deliver Are you main points clear and easy to understand? Do you repeat your main points?
Delivering the Presentation Why would the audience want to listen to you? Make a connection with the audience. The first 2 minutes are very important.
Delivering the Presentation Most people would rather hear a story rather than listen to facts. Be kind to others, you never know who is listening (Be careful what you say).
Delivering Make eye contact, make everyone feel like you are only talking to them. Take your time. Pause and make sure you are breathing.
Delivering Get rid of monotone. Move your body (act natural). Get excited when appropriate (if you are not excited, how will others get excited?)
Review Preparing your Presentation. Building your Media Preparing for Delivery Delivering