August & September, 2013 T. Russell Hsing Technology Entrepreneurship: Curiosity, Opportunity, Risk, and Money L1.c- Course Introduction & Ground Rules August & September, 2013 T. Russell Hsing National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Email:
Expectations and Class Schedule (Tuesday,8:00am-10:00pm) (Optional) Morning coffee time: at the No.2 Student Dinning Hall every Tuesday (except August 1) morning from 8:00 am – 9:00 am Regular Class (10:00 am – 12:00noon) - Objectives, scope, and schedule of the course - Course Schedule - My expectation - What are the uniqueness & challenges in this “seminars course” - How to prepare a promising business plan if you choose the “business track” - How to prepare a ready-to-submit technical paper if you choose the “technical track” - Blend Engineering (50%) with Business (50%) together Weekly Midnight seminar or Movie - 8:00pm – 10:00pm e.g. Movie tonight (8/01): “Roma Holiday” at Room 345 by Audrey Hepbum and Gregory Peck (1953)
Course Objectives To discuss and understand (Both of Technology and Commercialization) Vehicular telematics services and networking requirements Health IT: e-Healthcare Applications Ad hoc Networks Cloud Computing Platform, Big Data Ongoing and recent R&D activities (e.g. EU, Japan and US) My wish: Prepare a ready-to-submit conference paper Evaluation of Tech-based IPRs and how to monetize it Negotiation, Game Theory, and Business Model Commercialization Class Discussions: One Case Study and one or two Movies My wish: Prepare a promising business plan for your own start-up
Class Flow and Logistics Class Lectures and Student Presentations I will lecture the major theme for each class first One of the students will present his (her) comments on a paper, which will be assigned to him (or her) a week ago Meet the Guest Speakers One of the Local industrial Founders/CEOs/Executives in Hsinchu Science Park or in Taipei will share his (her) personal experiences and their views and opinions in every class. (Q/A need to be prepared) Meet the Legend Speakers from Silicon Valley in California via YouTube Several legend speaker such as Marissa Mayer (CEO for Yahoon!); Mark Zuckerberg (Founder/CEO for Facebook),Larry Page,(CEO & Founder of Google; and Henry Wang (VC) will share their experiences with us viaYoutube during our class Video Clips with Music (3~5 minutes) at the end of each class Evaluation of Tech-based IPRs and how to monetize it Negotiation, Game Theory, and Business Model Commercialization Class Discussions: One Case Study and one or two Movies My wish: Prepare a promising business plan for your own start-up
Course Requirements What are not required What are required No mid-term and final exams Lots of class discussions and interactions (via English) What are required Every student is required to “actively” participate in class discussions that will start from today Everyone is required to identify and define a problem she/he believes is important and explain why; refine/change the problem after each class; discuss it at the beginning of next class Each of Students will be assigned to present a technical (or business) paper Every student is “hopefully” required to complete his (her) project Students may use the topic they identified and defined, or Project options I will suggest to you Final class presentations (optional) final term paper presentation (technical paper or business plan)
Some Ground Rules for Class Discussions Free brain storming (I expect our class will be highly interactive and brain storm among us!) No ideas are bad ideas; No judgment on right or wrong for any idea I expect you to have YOUR own thoughts and ideas Will be highly encouraged to contribute your own thoughts toward identifying, formulating, defending, and finally solving problems My Wish List: A few conference papers for submissions will be expected by the end of this class (technical track) To have at least one business plan from you (business track)
Instructor: Prof. T. Russell Hsing Teaching Assistant: Jack Wei-Chen Lee (CS College) Teaching Assistant: William Chang (Management School) Web-side: My Office: Room 625, Engineering Building No. 3 My cell phone number: 0938 408 118 My email:
Let’s Roll, Thanks !