<draft-lefaucheur-rsvp-dste-02 <draft-lefaucheur-rsvp-dste-02.txt> Aggregation of RSVP Reservations over MPLS TE Tunnels Francois Le Faucheur - flefauch@cisco.com F. Le Faucheur, M. Di Biasio B. Davie Cisco Systems B. Goode J. Ash AT&T M. Davenport C. Christou Booz Allen Consulting draft-lefaucheur-rsvp-dste-02.txt IETF 62
RSVP Aggregation over MPLS TE Tunnels TE= Traffic Engineering Aggregator = TE Head-end De-aggregator = TE Tail-end EF/PQ BE MPLS TE Tunnel End-to-end RSVP Reservation draft-lefaucheur-rsvp-dste-02.txt IETF 62
Changes 0102 closer alignment with “LSP Hierarchy” (Aggregation of end-to-end RSVP-TE tunnels over Aggregate RSVP-TE Tunnels) Requested feedback from MPLS WG Addressed first round of feedback Added Appendix A “Example Usage of RSVP Aggregation over DSTE Tunnels for VoIP CAC” draft-lefaucheur-rsvp-dste-02.txt IETF 62
Next Steps accept rsvp-dste as WG document ? draft-lefaucheur-rsvp-dste-02.txt IETF 62