International Waters in GEF 5 Vladimir Mamaev, RTA Environment and Energy Community of Practice Meeting, Bratislava, September 21-25, 2009
The goal of the International Waters focal area The promotion of collective management for transboundary water systems and subsequent implementation of the full range of policy, legal, and institutional reforms and investments contributing to sustainable use and maintenance of ecosystem services.
GEF 4 Approved Pipeline ($24,4M) Tisza River IRBM, Nutrient Reduction Good Practices, Caspian Sea SAP Implementation, Dnipro River SAP Implementation, Kura-Aras reducing persistent toxics pollution, Lake Baikal watershed integrated natural management, Dinaric Karst GW resources, IW:Learn – III (global) Environment and Energy Community of Practice Meeting, Bratislava, September 21-25, 2009
GEF 5 Total focal area allocation - $440 M Co-financing ration 1:2
Objective 1- $130 M: Catalyze multi-state cooperation to balance conflicting water uses in transboundary surface and groundwater basins while considering climatic variability and change a) Implementation of agreed Strategic Action Programmes (SAP) incorporates transboundary IWRM principles (including environment and groundwater) and policy/legal/institutional reforms into national/local plans; (b) Transboundary institutions for joint ecosystem-based and adaptive management demonstrate sustainability; (c) Innovative solutions for reduced pollution, improved water use efficiency, sustainable fisheries with rights-based management, IWRM, water supply protection in SIDS, and aquifer and catchment protection produce measureable, on-the ground results including community benefits; (d) Climatic variability and change as well as groundwater capacity incorporated into updated SAP to reflect adaptive management. Environment and Energy Community of Practice Meeting, Bratislava, September 21-25, 2009
Objective 2 - $180 M: Catalyze multi-state cooperation to rebuild marine fisheries and reduce pollution of coasts and Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) while considering climatic variability and change Implementation of agreed Strategic Action Programmes (SAP) incorporates ecosystem-based approaches to management of LMEs, ICM principles, and policy/legal/ institutional reforms into national/local plans; Institutions for joint ecosystem-based and adaptive management demonstrate sustainability; Innovative solutions for reduced pollution, rebuilding or protecting fish stocks with rights-based management, ICM, habitat restoration/conservation, and port management produce measureable, on-the ground results including community benefits; Climatic variability and change at coasts and in LMEs incorporated into updated SAP to reflect adaptive management and ICM considerations.
Objective 3 - $100 M: Support foundational capacity building, portfolio learning, and targeted research needs for joint, ecosystem-based management of transboundary water systems Political commitment, shared vision, and institutional capacity demonstrated for joint, ecosystem-based management of waterbodies and local ICM principles; On-the-ground modest actions implemented in water quality, quantity (including basins draining areas of melting ice), fisheries, and coastal habitat demonstrations for “blue forests” to protect carbon IW portfolio capacity and performance enhanced from active learning/KM/experience sharing Targeted research networks impact global thinking on at least coral reefs; Political agreements on Arctic LMEs prevent further depletion/degradation.
Objective 4 - $30 M: Promote effective management of Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) directed at preventing fisheries depletion --joint with GEF Biodi Focal Area ABNJ (including deep-sea fisheries, oceans areas, and seamounts) under sustainable management and protection (including MPAs) Plans and institutional frameworks for pilot cases of ABNJ have catalytic effect on global discussions
GEF 5 Pipeline Drin River basin TDA/SAP foundational project (Albania, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro) – $5 M Central Asia Transboundary surface-ground waters interaction in Syrdaria river basin (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) - $4 M Bering Sea LME foundational project (Russia) - $3 M Black Sea Fisheries Management (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine) - $5 M Ural River Integrated Natural Resources Management (Kazakhstan, Russia) - $3 M A Global Community of Practice to improve the management of Large Marine Ecosystems and their Costs (Global) - $4 M
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