Suicide in Prisons: The data


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Presentation transcript:

Suicide in Prisons: The data 1978-2014 Graham Towl Professor of Forensic Psychology, Durham University, UK and former Chief Psychologist at the Ministry of Justice, UK.

Research Informed Policy and Practice (RIPP) Context Data Findings Policy implications Practice applications Future Directions

Context Public policy in England and Wales Prisons in England and Wales Prisoners in England and Wales

Data MoJ data:1978 – 2014, 2039 cases Time in prison Offence type Gender Ethnicity

Findings Confirmation of previous research Time in individual prison key factor – disproportionate no. (very)early after custody – but not with lifers Violent and sexual convictions (or on remand for either) high rates Black prisoners underrepresented compared with white prisoners High correlation between mental health needs and criminality

New Findings Arson and criminal damage higher rates than for violent and sexual offenders Gender – women at higher risk when younger, men as they age. Similar percentages of SIDS for those being managed as suicidal independent of ethnicity Over time a smaller overall percentage SIDs in early period of imprisonment

Policy implications Continue with investment in local prisons and where possible reduce prisoner movements Develop more segmented approach rather than ‘one size fits all’ Disinvest from induction screening tools because of base rate problem – best to assume that all are vulnerable over the first 14 days. Staff continuity important in induction period in particular but more widely too.

Practice applications Ensure that confirmatory findings are incorporated into risk assessments – e.g. periods of greatest risk. Provisionally incorporate new findings too e.g. arson and criminal damage higher risk, age/gender. Include suicide prevention as mandatory training for all staff to include those contracted in. Include a routine assessment of suicide risk in forensic assessments

Future directions Focus on implications and applications of research – ensure impact More nuanced policy and practices Risk assessments for reoffending to routinely include risk of suicide too.