TITRATION OF A STRONG BASE WITH A STRONG ACID Lujain Alabdulwahed 201100046 Laila Alkadi 201100931
Objectives: The objective of this laboratory exercise is to determine the molarity of hydrochloric acid in the given sample. To learn lab skills to prepare and dilute a standard solution; to find the strength of an acid or a basic solution.
Apparatus: 50mL burette. 5mL volumetric pipette. 0.1M NaOH. Hydrochloric acid. Phenolphthalein indicator. Burette stand. Two 250mL Erlenmeyer flask. Wash bottle filled with distilled water. Funnel.
First: add hydrochloric acid in a conical flask using the pipette.
Second: add a couple of drops from phenolphthalein indicator.
Third: add hydroxide solution using burette Third: add hydroxide solution using burette. (Add until the color stays pink)
Fourth: Repeat what you did again.
Fifth: Do your calculations.. V1 is the volume of hydrochloric acid. V2 is the average volume which is the two volumes/2. m1 is already known (0.1 M) And now you have to find m2 m1v1=m2v2
Summary From this experiment we have learned that: acids turn the color of phenolphthalein indicator into pink. sour to taste. and reacts with OH-.
Thank you for your attention Any Questions?