The Origin of the Universe The study of the origin of the universe is called cosmology. It allows us to look at the beginning, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.
The Big Bang Theory
What Do We Know? The universe was once packed into a very small, dense high pressure and temperature state. The universe emerged from this state when a “Big Bang” occurred. This is believed to have happened roughly 13 billion years ago at “time zero”.
Since the 1880s, scientists have observed that light coming from distant stars has a red shift, showing those stars are moving away from us at high speeds. (Hubble Space Telescope)
Cosmic microwave background (radiation from explosion) Dark matter is fives times larger than visible matter (5%) and forms everything. 1920s, the theory that the universe was created by a huge explosion, and all matter in the universe is still flying away from that explosion at enormous speeds. (Dark Energy) The Big Bang Theory was named in 1930s.
Oscillating Theory Most astronomers agree that the Universe is expanding. Some believe that at some stage in the future, the Universe will stop expanding and begin to contract.
Oscillating means forward and backwards motion or expansion and contraction of the Universe. Universe collapses under its own weight – THE BIG CRUNCH Expansion of the Universe – THE BIG BANG VIDEO