DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE Alcohol and driving do not mix. Alcohol is the number 1 killer on American roadways.
Alcohol as a Drug Alcohol is a drug that affects your overall driving ability. Alcohol slows your reaction time, makes you overconfident, and unable to concentrate well. Drivers who drink make more mistakes. Alcohol affects you even if you are under the legal limit.
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Amount of alcohol in your system based on a breath, blood, or urine test. It is illegal to drive if your BAC is .08 or greater. You can be convicted of a DUI if your BAC is under .08 and your driving is impaired.
FACTORS AFFECTING BAC The amount you drink. (one beer, one shot, and one glass of wine all equal the same amount of alcohol). Your body weight. Heavier people have more blood and fluids to dilute the alcohol. Other factors: Personal reaction to alcohol. Food. Tolerance. Time is the only way to remove the effects of alcohol.
OTHER DRUGS Numerous drugs make it unsafe to drive. You can be convicted of a DUI for any of these substances.
DUI Laws DUI – Driving Under the Influence Classified as a violent crime. Penalties include arrest, court appearance, loss of driving privileges, fines, jail time. Implied Consent Law – By driving in Illinois you automatically consent to sobriety tests.
DUI – Laws (cont.) What is BAC? The amount of alcohol in your blood system. What is the limit that will get you arrested for DUI? .08 Over 21 – minimum 3 month suspension of license.
DUI – Laws (cont.) If you refuse testing- 6 month suspension. Second offense in 5 years- 12 months or 36 months if you refuse testing
DUI – Laws (cont.) If you are then convicted of DUI- Minimum 1 year loss of license, fine of up to $2,500 and 1 year jail sentence. 2nd DUI within 20 years- Loss of license for 5 years, 5 days in jail, 30 days community service, $2,500 fine, and jail sentence of up to 1 year.
DUI – Laws (cont.) Third conviction – 10 year loss of license and class 2 felony charge, $25,000 fine and 3-7 years imprisonment. Fourth – loss of license for life. Any DUI subjects you to high risk auto insurance for 3 years.
Illegal Transportation It is illegal for anyone to drink alcoholic beverages in a vehicle. It is illegal to have alcohol in the passenger area of a vehicle if the container has been opened.
Aggravated DUI Any DUI that results in death or personal injury. Single death – 3-14 years in prison Multiple deaths – 6-28 years in prison
DUI Laws (cont.) It is illegal to let someone drive your car if they have been drinking. It is illegal to provide alcohol to someone who is under 21.
DUI Under 21 Minimum 2 year revocation of license Fines up to $2,500 and one year jail sentence. Any trace of alcohol – three month suspension. Possession of alcohol under age of 21. Loss of license for 1 year.