By Jason Young
My Advert Please laugh, I love laughter Please laugh, I love laughter
Content Amsterdam offers a unique experience for those looking for an easy holiday and somewhere not too remote from an urbanised home. The beauty of Amsterdam is unparalleled. Amsterdam is known worldwide for its unique approach to controversial laws
Budget Above is the spot sheet for Sky One. I am going to advertise during the late peak. (20:00 – 23:00) This will cost me £2000.00. I am going to do this for a week leaving the end price at £14000.00. Time slot Example programming Est Cost 30" Breakfast 0600-0930 The Middle £40.00 Daytime 0930-1730 Stargate Atlantis £50.00 Early Peak 1730-2000 The Simpsons £2000.00 Late Peak 2000-2300 Revolution Night Time 2300-Close Brit Cops £100.00
Unique Selling Point Amsterdam offers a great combination of an urban holiday with rich history. My advert shows how much variety there is in Amsterdam and that no matter what your interests, there is something you’ll enjoy in Amsterdam.
Target Audience Anybody! The advert is aimed towards people of all ages. This is because the variety of Amsterdam is so large everybody will come and find something they will like. Examples are young adults and clubbing or families and culture and history. Anybody!
Form and Style The style of this advert is informative. I am trying to show to people how much Amsterdam has to offer in as little time as possible. This gives the effect that there is no way to experience everything Amsterdam has to offer!
Music Choice The music was chosen to go with whatever is being shown on screen. For example during the footage of buildings it is calm and relaxing but during the clubbing footage you have the type of music you expect to hear in clubs.
Regulations! I highly doubt any issues will arise during production however if they do I have enough time to re-try or change a scene if needed.
Why my advert? This advert is unlike any other! Who else decided to do a location and not a product? What's more interesting to you as a customer? Water or Amsterdam, Pepsi max or Amsterdam? This advert is encouraging people to explore and experience a unique place in the world and due to the fact it is not through one booking agency, you as a booker can decide what agency you want to book through.