a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor
WHAT A FOOL… We Figures Vision End
…BELIEVES ✔ Our company Aquabus has 2 brands: Aqualiner and Waterbus ✔ Founded 1999, due to 4 experiments “Public Transport over Water” ✔ Aqualiner starts in Amsterdam area with a River Runner 150 (Damen) ✔ In 2009 take over of big brother Waterbus, a huge challenge ✔ Main shareholders are Royal Doeksen and Arriva Netherlands ✔ 3 main contractors: Province of South Holland, Port of Rotterdam, City ✔ Both signed for 12 years until 2022
ON MY OWN... ✔ Waterbus and Aqualiner are sailing in the Rotterdam area ✔ We welcome over 1.9 mln passengers and 1.4 mln. bikes / year ✔ In total we daily have 14 vessels in operation incl. 11 fast ferries ✔ The work is done by 142 collogues, including own technicians ✔ Today we count 22 stops including Rotterdam and Dordrecht ✔ The fall out percentage departs got from 2% to now 0,016% ✔ We lowered fuel consumption with 8% to now 1.8 mln. liters / year ✔ In 2014 awarded best public transport contract by passengers in NL
Waterbus / Aqualiner film
1. Fleet composition from offer to demand
2. Lay-out station plan from offer to demand
3. Maintenance in own management
4. Image and equipment fleet
5. Modernizing the organization
6. Commercial strategy destination marketing
7. Stakeholder management improved
8. Making feasible plans for the future
SWEET FREEDOM… ✔ ASV: Air Supported Vessel (air cushion, no hovercraft) ✔ 60-80 passengers Fast ferry (+ 40 km/h) Target 100% electric No wave nuisance 6 partners, € 3,2 mln. EU budget Test vessel ready November 2016
B(attery) B(oat) GREEN
B(attery) B(oat) GREEN
B(attery) B(oat) GREEN
B(attery) B(oat) GREEN
B(attery) B(oat) GREEN
B(attery) B(oat) GREEN
Destination Marketing the key for success?
Mobility as part of your business case...
Stations become gates
What if Walt Disney...
TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS… ✔ Identify en (re)develop the destination also from a mobility point of view Use the potentions of areas and people Make sure that all knowledge is combined Think and even more important: Do. And of course... What if Walt Disney...
g.schutten@waterbus.nl 06 – 22 45 46 05