Learn4Work - reporting guidelines - monitoring protocol - financial issues Participants Objectives Practicalities Programme of today Aart van den Broek a.vd.broek@edukans.nl Amsterdam, 23 September 2009
Objectives Understanding of reporting conditions Understanding of monitoring protocol Understanding of budget and contract issues
Reporting conditions: work plan to Edukans Annual work plan to Edukans (1 Sept), incl.: Objectives, results, strategy, activities Budget (including expenditures per result and revenues per actor)
Reporting conditions: reporting to Edukans Brief narrative and financial update (Nov.) Annual report (March), incl. Objectives, results, strategy, activities Monitoring protocol Budget Lessons learnt Differences to original plan
Reporting conditions: budget and contracts Edukans to lead PS Contract for 2,5 year Yearly payments (January), after meeting conditions Contract for full project budget Lead PS to PS-partners (advise) Contract/MoU for 2,5 year Contract/MoU for full project budget of partner
Monitoring Protocol (1) Results based: TVET providers strengthened Access improved Quality of TVET improved Broad network established Awareness raised Four levels: Input Output Outcome Impact
Monitoring Protocol (2) Baseline study Difficult indicators: Efficiency: cost per graduate Effectiveness: completion rate Days between graduation and employment Satisfaction rate (graduates / employers Better income for more young people Good practices / innovations and changes Adjustments in policy and practice
Administration Memorandum of Understanding Contract between lead PS and partners Expenditures (cash and kind) Revenues (cash and kind) Audit report