Word Splash tenths sum decimal point difference hundredths addend 614.02 sum 40.45 Word Splash decimal number 236,784.7 decimal point addend
Addition & Subtraction with Decimals
K O L Word Bank Illustration Key Concepts Addition & Subtraction with Decimals Word Bank Illustration Key Concepts L
Addition & Subtraction with Decimals 0bjective 4.3B The student is expected to: Add and subtract decimals to the hundredths place using concrete objects and pictorial models.
Addition & Subtraction with Decimals Word Bank Addition & Subtraction with Decimals sum tenths addend difference hundredths decimal number decimal point
Vocabulary sum – answer to an addition problem difference – answer to a subtraction problem decimal point – the point between whole and decimal numbers tenths – the first place to the right of the decimal point hundredths – the second place to the right of the decimal point addend – the numbers that are added decimal number – a number with a decimal
Addition Ones . Tenths Hundredths
Addition Practice 2.34 + 1.56 = 6.95 + 5.96 = 1.62 + 1.9 = 9.8 + 8.95 = 1.3 + 1 = 7.5+ 4.45 = 6.5 + 5.1 =
Subtraction Ones . Tenths Hundredths
Subtraction Practice 2.34 – 1.32 = 6.95 – 5.96 = 1.6 – 1.29 = 9.80 – 8.95 = 2.2 – 1.5 = 3.67 – 2.9 = 6.58 – 3.11 = 9.05 – 5.2 =
Addition & Subtraction Practice 2.3 + 1.32 = 6.9 – 5.9 = 7.8 – 1.29 = 9.80 + 8.95 = 2.21 – 1.5 = 7.88 + 1.9 = 6.8 + 3.11 = 8.11 – 3.04 =
K O L Addition & Subtraction with Decimals Word Bank Create a 3 sentence story using 4 Word Bank words Illustration Key Concepts L Illustrate your story using 3 or more colors & give it a background