A sensory journey for understanding water vulnerability
© Dave Clark, 2005
We need water to live. Sensory experience – Touch Water vulnerability We need water to live. Sensory experience – Touch Explore water: have it poured on your hands, or plunge your hands into it. 1
© Eva-Lotta Jansson, 2007
Drink water, or pour water over a plant using a watering can. Water vulnerability We drink water, and so do the plants we grow and eat. Sensory experience – Taste Drink water, or pour water over a plant using a watering can. 2
© Annie Bungeroth, 2002
Smell a fragrant washing-up liquid or bubble bath. Water vulnerability We use water to wash and to keep everything clean. Sensory experience – Smell Smell a fragrant washing-up liquid or bubble bath. Practitioners be aware of students who may have sensitivities to particular aromas. 3
© Jim Holmes, 2005
Water vulnerability 4 Sensory experience - Taste Lots and lots of people have no safe water to drink. Even more people have no water to help them stay clean. This causes problems. Sensory experience - Taste Have the cup you usually drink from raised to your lips empty. 4
© Caroline Gluck, 2010
Water vulnerability Having no clean water for washing can lead to diseases, which can cause people to die. Sensory experience – Sight Be covered by a black cloth, blocking out the light and representing death. 5
© Jane Beesley, 2003
Drinking dirty water can lead to diseases, which can cause Water vulnerability Drinking dirty water can lead to diseases, which can cause people to die. Sensory experience – Sight Watch a glass of clean water be contaminated with dye and mud particles. 6
© Jane Beesley, 2008
Having no water to grow plants can lead to hunger, which can Water vulnerability Having no water to grow plants can lead to hunger, which can cause people to die. Sensory experience – Smell Smell plants or food, and have the smell withdrawn. 7
© Jane Beesley, 2009
Water vulnerability Many things cause problems with water – such as ‘conflict’, which is fighting between people. Sensory experience – Sound Bang on the table and rip paper to simulate gun shots and ‘breaking’ noises. 8
© Jane Beesley, 2007
Some people are trying to help people who have water problems. Water vulnerability Some people are trying to help people who have water problems. You can help too! Sensory experience – Sound Hear hammering, or the bashing together of rocks, to represent building work. 9
© Harriet Binet, 2006
Water vulnerability Some people are also talking to other people to try and fix water problems. Sensory experience – Touch Shake hands to symbolise friendship and agreement. 10
© Toby Adamson, 2005
© Karen Robinson, 2004