Biology Discussion Notes Monday 10/6/2014
Goal for the Day Understand what ecology is. Be able to describe and list examples of abiotic & biotic factors. Know and understand what we didn’t know on the test.
Question of the Day What are the factors that affect seed germination? Think of factors that you decided to test in your germination experiment.
Species of the Day Resurrection Plant - Selaginella lepidophylla Predict whether this plant is dead or dormant. If you think this plant is dormant predict how long it would take for this plant to begin to be active again.
Species of the Day Resurrection Plant - Selaginella lepidophylla This plant belongs to the Lycophyta and has the oldest known lineage of any VASCULAR plant. Being as this plant represents one of the most primitive vascular plants, do you think this plant has seeds or not? Explain your answer
What is Ecology? Ecology The study of interactions among organisms and among organisms and their environment (list 10 themes)
Who came up with the term ecology? The term “ecology” was coined by the German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, in 1866 to describe the “economies” of living forms.
What is Ecology? Which of the ten themes do you think will play heavily in this chapter? (list 10 themes) interactions with the environment, biology and society, adaptation & evolution, biological systems
Ten Unifying Themes of Biology Biological Systems – cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
Intro to Ecology Within the theme biological systems what was the difference between an ecosystem, and the level before/below it? Community- Ecosystem- (includes non-living things)
Biotic vs. Abiotic Biotic Factor– Abiotic Factor-
Intro to Ecology Which of the factors that we listed as important for germination and early plant growth are abiotic factors, which are biotic?
Which of the factors that we listed as important for germination and early plant growth are abiotic factors, which are biotic? Intro to Ecology
Plants Test If you haven’t taken the test go out to the hallway with your study guide and take a minute to study!
Tests & Test Corrections On a separate sheet of paper you will REWRITE ENTIRE QUESTION, then write the correct answer to this question. This is an assignment, and is required. If you do not complete this assignment then you will be tagged. Missing study guides if not turned in tomorrow will also receive a tag!
Species of the Day Resurrection Plant - Selaginella lepidophylla Predict whether this plant is dead or dormant. If you think this plant is dormant predict how long it would take for this plant to begin to be active again.
Species of the Day Resurrection Plant - Selaginella lepidophylla This plant belongs to the Lycophyta and has the oldest known lineage of any VASCULAR plant. Being as this plant represents one of the most primitive vascular plants, do you think this plant has seeds or not? Explain your answer