Eric Smith Assistant Administrator Logistics Management Directorate FEMA LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE The “New FEMA” The National Logistics Coordination Forum March 27, 2008 Eric Smith Assistant Administrator Logistics Management Directorate
National Logistics Coordinator References H.R. 5441/ P.L. 109-295 DHS Appropriations Act, 200 2006 Title VI Post – Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (PKEMRA): Directs the FEMA Administrator to: Develop an efficient, transparent, and flexible logistics system for procurement and delivery of goods and services necessary for an effective and timely response to disasters; Develop a Demonstration Program with regional and local governments in the formation of innovative public & private logistical partnerships and centers to improve readiness Section 503. requires FEMA to “partner with State, local, and tribal governments and emergency response providers, with other Federal agencies, with the private sector and with nongovernmental organizations to build a national system of emergency management that can effectively and efficiently utilize the full measure of the Nation's resources…” DHS/FEMA Logistics provide a nationally integrated process for the collaborative implementation of the logistics capability of Federal agencies, public- and private-sector partners, and NGOs The National Response Framework, ESF #7, Logistics Mgmt. Annex:
National Logistics Coordinator Concept Overview The Role of the National Logistics Coordinator (NLC) To coordinate domestic emergency logistics planning, management and sustainment capabilities To promote the strategic logistics collaboration of other federal agencies, public and private sector partners, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders To improve disaster logistics readiness, responsiveness and preparedness for both Stafford Act and non-Stafford Act disasters Three Focus Areas Partnering Transparency Collaboration Data NLC Building Relationships Accumulate Information Influencing plans and integrating logistics response
Logistics Management Transformation Initiative National Level FEMA as the National Logistics Coordinator Internal FEMA Tactical response to support disasters Manage procurement of basic commodities Manage the distribution centers Coordinate transportation Manage regional activity Single Integrator for Strategic Logistics Support Facilitate development of an approved and documented National Supply Chain Strategy Collaborate with national disaster response partners Synchronize preplanning activities Leverage vendor network and full capacity across all partners
The Original Response Framework was mainly reactive Reactive Model High Low FEMA must be prepared for the worst case; high impact disaster with no partner support Federal Government Disaster Impact (Density/Intensity) Other Emergency Suppliers/EMAC State & Local Significant FEMA Response Significant State Response Degree of Initial Response
The “New FEMA” Response Framework establishes the National Logistics Coordinator Introduce FEMA as the National Logistics Coordinator (NLC) Response Framework Collaborative Model High Low The National Logistics Coordinator FEMA must be prepared for the worst case; high impact disaster with no partner support FEMA Logistics – Base level organic capabilities maintained Collaborative Model: Command Control Collaborate & Synchronize across all partners Collaborative Model with National Logistics Partner community Commercial Partnerships Disaster Impact (Density/Intensity) Introduce new capabilities State Enabling Contracts Other Emergency Suppliers/EMAC State & Local Improve ability to respond Significant FEMA Response Degree of Initial Response Significant State Response
Transformation to National Logistics Coordinator Response Framework Collaborative Model Activities to Transform: High Low Internal FEMA Establish a governance model and standard processes Maintain a base level of FEMA internal capability Private Sector Increase use of private sector capability Partnerships Improve collaboration with other Emergency Support Providers Implement an outsourcing model to multiple service providers to increase capacity and reduce risk State Capabilities Apply FEMA Negotiated Nationwide Contracts (ex. Ambulance, Bus Evacuation) Enable State & Local Preparedness The National Logistics Coordinator FEMA Logistics – Base level organic capabilities National Logistics Partner Community Commercial Partnerships Disaster Impact (Density/Intensity) State Enabling Contracts Other Emergency Suppliers/EMAC State & Local Significant FEMA Response Significant State Response Degree of Initial Response
National Logistics Coordination Strategy Strategic Logistics Challenges Support for a densely populated urban areas (e.g., NY Metro) Supply chain challenges (e.g., AK, Long Island, PR, Territories, Southern FL and TX) Supply chain transparency Requirements development Proposed Enablers Integrated Logistics Collaboration Accelerate private sector partnerships Demonstration Program National Logistics Collaboration Framework FEMA owned assets Partner owned assets (GSA, DLA, ARC, USACE) Partner sustainment Private sector (Vendor Managed)
NLC will improve execution, communication, & collaboration DEMAND Sourcing decisions based on all national logistics partners’ available capabilities Current focus: Establish national procedures & visibility for collaboration & coordination Future efforts: Increase automation & expand scope to the region & state level JFO NLSA POD Regions States Partners Local Authorities Requirements NLC Collaborative Logistics and Sourcing Decisions Resource Management Group Coordinated Response of Goods Capability Visibility SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION NGO OFA FEMA Organic Commercial DoD Donations EMAC Warehousing Transportation Response
National Logistics Coordinator Operating Environment EFFICIENT LOGISTICS SERVICES, EQUIPMENT, & SUPPLIES STATE & LOCAL GOV’T (Field Activities) REGIONS NRF/Public Sector Partners HQ LOGISTICS DOD National Logistics Coordinator Business Processes C2 Policy Planning Mgmt MASS CARE ESF 6 Private Sector Partners
The Way Ahead A transformed strategic logistics management capability that leverages public and private sector partnerships and incorporates best business practices in support of domestic emergencies and special events.