Who are your members of Congress? 2017 (115th Session) Edition
Partisan Breakdown House Senate
Partisan Breakdown House Senate Nonvoting members: currently 6 -DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, US Virgin Islands -Nonvoting members can introduce legislation and vote in committee, but not in the full House Reasons for vacancies—Resignations (health, other office, etc.) or death! NOTE: Dems actually gained votes in House & Senate! Independent senators: Bernie Sanders (Vermont) and Angus King (Maine)
House of Reps Leadership 2017 (115th Session) Edition
Speaker of the House: Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin
Speaker of the House Full member in the House Presiding officer over the House (bipartisan) Selected by the majority party Sets the legislative agenda 2nd in succession to the presidency
Majority Leader: Kevin McCarthy(R) California
House Majority Leader Elected by the Speaker of the House Planning daily, weekly, and annual legislative agendas Directs party to support or defeat legislation
Majority Whip: Steve Scalise (R) Louisiana
Majority Whips Ensures party discipline in the legislature Party “enforcers” 2nd in line after the floor leader Gets people to vote! Usage comes from the hunting term whipping in: preventing hounds from wandering away from the pack
Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi(D) California
House Minority Leader Elected by the party Represents party on the House floor Conducts business for party
Democratic Whip: Steny Hoyer (D) Maryland
Minority party whip Helps coordinate the party caucus in response to legislation and other matters Helps leadership manage legislative programs Gets people to vote!
Idaho Representatives Raul Labrador (R) – District 1 Mike Simpson (R) – District 2
Senate Leadership 2017 (115th Session) Edition
Vice President: Mike Pence(R) Indiana
President of the senate Vice President Not a member of the body Holds a tie-breaking vote Presides over Senate
President Pro Tempore: Orrin Hatch (R) Utah
President pro tempore Most senior senator from majority party Presides over Senate in the absence of VP 3rd in line of succession
Majority Leader: Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky
Majority Leader Elected from party Spokesman for party Manage & schedule legislative business
Majority Whip: John Cornyn (R) Texas
Majority whip Gather votes on major issues 2nd highest member in the party Assistant floor leader
Minority Leader: Chuck Schumer(D) New York
Minority leader Elected from party Spokesman for party Manage & schedule legislative business
Minority Whip: Dick Durbin (D) Illinois
Minority whip Gather votes on major issues 2nd highest member in the party Assistant floor leader
Idaho Senators Mike Crapo, R Jim Risch, R