Key Elements of a Successful Field School: Intercultural Cross-Disciplinary Experiential Dr. Leelah Dawson, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Management Mr. Cameron Strachan, BBA Student June, 2016
Why Internationalize? Short-term goal: Manage diversity in Canadian classrooms Long-term goals: Create globally aware citizens Increase understanding / reduce conflict Solve cross-border problems (eg. environment) Build business relationships
Intercultural Diverse group from Canada likely Interactions with local students Faculty key to providing depth and context for what they are observing / experiencing
Cross-disciplinary Not only management courses Example: Social sciences provide depth and context, other choices possible Context-rich country
Experiential Minimal time in classroom when abroad Faculty escorts interact extensively, but don’t lecture content Assessment methods adjust Holistic and reflective
Pre-departure 2015
Nuts and Bolts Know your overseas partner and what they can do. Maintain the relationship. Work with Registrar’s Office to simplify visiting student pathway. Pre-departure – ALL the details. Get pictures if you haven’t seen the accommodations Walk yourself through the trip – what, when, who Know what is in the contract, and what isn’t
Discussion Questions What are the barriers to launching Study Abroad Field Schools at your institution? What are some of the ways you may be able to overcome the barriers? Identify some of the risks and how to manage or overcome them.