March 22, 2017 Journal: When kicking a ball, what is the agonist, antagonist, point of origin, point of insertion, and synergistic muscles?
Exercise Effect on Muscles
Exercise Any type of activity that involves using your muscles Causes muscle hypertrophy When muscles grow in size
Types of Exercise Strength training – contracts muscles against heavy resistance Ex: weight lifting Increases myofilaments in muscle fiber Aerobic training– increases ability to sustain exercise over long periods of time Ex: running, biking, swimming Increases number of blood vessels to muscles and increases the number of mitochondria
Satellite Cell Theory of Hypertrophy Intense exercise causes damage to the muscle fibers Damage activates satellite cells to reproduce and differentiate Replace the damaged fibers Fuse to muscle fibers and form new myofibrils This causes the myofibrils to increase in thickness and in number which will result in overall muscle growth
Growth Hormone Strength training stimulates the release of growth hormone Growth hormone than stimulates fat to be broken down and used as energy for muscle cells Also stimulates protein production in skeletal muscle
Testosterone Stimulates growth hormone to be released When released naturally or used as a steroid it enhances protein production in skeletal muscle
Muscle Fatigue Occurs when muscle cells stimulated repeatedly without rest Decreases strength of muscle contraction Muscles run out of ATP and it requires a lot of oxygen and nutrients to make more
Disuse Muscle Atrophy During inactivity, muscles shrink in mass