Nursing Intervention Classifications Esther K. AFOLABI RN, MSc. FWACN
Introduction We continue with the series of lectures on the SNLs by discussing the NIC. The NIC was founded in the 1987 and it replaces the implementation used in the former format of the Nursing Process
Learning Objectives At the end of this session, the learner will be able to ; Define the NIC Identify the format of writing the NIC List out some examples of NIC Link the NIC with other segments of the Nursing process
Nursing Intervention Classifications Domains (7) Classes (30) Interventions (554)
The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) “is a comprehensive, research-based, standardized classification of interventions that nurses perform. An intervention is defined as: “any treatment, based upon clinical judgment and knowledge that a nurse performs to enhance patient/client outcomes.”
Useful of NIC for clinical documentation, communication of care across settings, integration of data across systems and settings, effectiveness research, productivity measurement, competency evaluation, reimbursement, and curricular design.
NIC Format Label name Definition Activities References
Nursing Intervention Domains Physiological: Basic Physiological: Complex Behavioral Safety Family Health System Community
Diarrhea Management 0460 Definition: Management and Alleviation of diarrhea Activities: Determine history of diarrhea Obtain stool for culture and sensitivity if diarrhea continues Teach patient appropriate use of antidiarrheal medications Instruct patient/family members to record color, volume, frequency, and consistency of stools. Encourage frequent, small feeding, adding bulk gradually Weigh patient regularly Observe skin turgor regularly
Childbirth Preparation 6760 Definition: Providing information and support to facilitate childbirth and to enhance the ability of an individual to develop and perform the parental role Activities Teach the mother and partner about the physiology of labor Educate mother and partner about signs of labor Inform mother about when to come to the hospital in preparation for delivery Discuss pain control options with mother Inform mother about delivery options if complications arise Promote parent’s self-efficacy in taking on parental role Discuss arrangements for siblings care during hospitalization
Community Health Development 8500 Definition: Assisting members of a community to identify community’s health concern, mobilize resources, and implement solution Activities Identify health concerns, strengths, and priorities with community partners Provide opportunities for community participation by all segments of the community Assist community members in raising awareness of health problems and concerns Enhance community support network Develop strategies for managing conflict Provide an environment, creating situations in which individuals and groups feel safe expressing their views
Self-Esteem Enhancement 5400 Definition: Assisting a patient to increase his or her personal judgement of self-worth Activities Monitor patient’s statement of self-worth Determine patient’s locus of control Determine patient’s confidence in own judgement Encourage patient to identify strength Facilitate an environment and activities that will increase self-esteem Make positive statements about patient
NIC for Individuals Anxiety Reduction 5820 Asthma Management 3210 Behaviour Management 4350 Bleeding Reduction: Post Partum Uterus 4026 Body Image Enhancement 5220 Fever treatment 3740
NIC for Families Family Integrity Promotion 7100 Family Process Maintenance 7130 Family therapy 7150 Family Support 7140 Financial Resource Assistance 7380 Family Presence Facilitation 7170
NIC for Communities Community Disaster Preparedness. 8840 Community Health Development. 8500 Culture Brokerage. 7330 Immunization / Vaccination Management. 6530 Teaching: Safe sex. 5622 Environmental management: Community. 6484 Surveillance: Community. 6652
Example of using the NNN Nursing Diagnosis: Diarrhea Outcome Interventions Major Suggested Bowel Diarrhea Management Bowel Mgt continence Medication Management fluid/electrolyte monitoring Medication Nutrition Mgt
Example of using the NNN Nursing Diagnosis: Self-Esteem: Situational Low Outcome Interventions Major Suggested Self Coping Enhancement Anticipatory Guidance Esteem Self- Esteem Enhancement Body Image- Enhancement Mood- Management Assertive- Training
The Nursing Process Assessing Diagnosing (NANDA-I) Outcome Identification (NOC) Planning Implementing ( NIC) Evaluating the Outcomes (NOC)
Conclusion Using the three concepts will pave way for better understanding of Nursing and documentation of care.
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