Extras Qs Ex 1: Two cars are travelling on intersecting roads. The first car is travelling northeast at 35 km/h. The second car begins 7 km north of the first, and it is travelling east at 25 km/h. Assuming that these cars will continue at this rate, will they collide? Assign vector equations to each line and assume that the first car begins at the origin.
8.5 Scalar Equation of a Plane in Space Car 1 start (0.0) Car 2 start (0,7) Path of car 1 Path of Car 2 Collide if we can make s=t
8.5 Scalar Equation of a Plane in Space Solving for x and y the two equations will be: 1) 2) Solving gives Since the cars do NOT collide.
Extras Qs Ex 2: Let L1 be the line , Let L2 be the line , Find the intersection of these two lines, and then find the area of the triangle whose vertices are the intersection point, s =0 on L1 , and t=3 on L2 .
Extras Qs First find the point of intersection which you should find is P(-1,6). The other points of the triangle (when s=0 and t=3) are Q(2,9) and R(0,8). The area of the triangle will be :