ACC Spanish Grading System & Classroom Rules Mr. Miller’s ACC Spanish Grading System & Classroom Rules
Materials Everyday students will need 1” three ring binder Loose leaf paper Writing utensil Textbook
Classroom Rules Raise your hand. Pay attention. Be polite and respectful. Do not leave your seat w/o permission. All school rules apply inside the classroom.
Grading system The marking period grade is made up of 4 categories. Quizzes, Tests, Class Work, Homework Quizzes will account for 30% of your grade. Tests will account for 50% of your grade Class work will account for 5% of the grade. Homework will account for 15% of your grade
Quizzes Tests 30% of quarter grade Will take 8-10 quizzes per quarter Smaller chunks of info Vocab, 1 grammar topic, etc. Tests 50% of quarter grade 2 or 3 major tests per quarter Larger chunks of info Whole Chapter, major grammar topic
Classwork 5% of grade Class work will be done in Spanish notebook. Any assignment can be collected and graded. Writing samples will be kept in writing folders
Homework 15 % of quarter grade 3-4 nights per week Normal daily assignment is 2-5 points. ½ credit for handed in 1 day late. 0 after 1 day late Larger more extensive homework assignments will be assigned point value by the teacher
Quiz, Tests & Projects You will take more quizzes than tests. Grading requirements for projects will be given when the project is assigned.
How to Calculate Test avg 86 x.5 = 43 Quiz avg 90 x.3= 27 HW avg 50 x .15= 7.5 CW avg 80 x .05= 4 Add totals for grade
BYOT We will be a BYOT classroom this year Devices will only be used when directed to do so. Using device without permission will result in discipline.
Websites For Spanish class we will use the following websites,, Login information to come
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