WHAT ARE THE 8 BEATITUDES? To show how the beatitudes are exemplified in a Christian saint To evaluate the power of the Beatitudes
Oscar Romero St Maximilian Kolbe Kolbe showed he was merciful when… Summarise the story of Kolbe. Complete the sentences to show how he showed the Beatitudes. Repeat for the story of Oscar Romero **Why are the Beatitudes such a powerful example of holiness? A catholic priest During WW2 in Poland, he provided shelter for Jews. He was found out, arrested and sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz Once, someone escaped from the camp. As punishment, the Nazis wanted to shoot some men. Kolbe volunteered to take the place of a man chosen to be shot, because he had a family. Archbishop in El Salvador, where there was a military dictatorship. He witnessed many abuses of human rights – murder, disappearances, torture by the government. Romero spoke out against the brutality and against the persecution of the people. He was gunned down while saying mass as he was holding up the host. Kolbe showed he was merciful when… He showed he was meek because… He showed he was a peacemaker because… Romero showed he hungered and thirsted for what was right when he… He mourned for… He was persecuted for what is right when he was..