Unit 2: The Industrial Revolution


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2: The Industrial Revolution Modern History 11-1, 11-2 Unit 2: The Industrial Revolution

Warm-Up Exercise: Make a list of 10 items that you have that you consider near indispensable in your day-to-day routine.

Warm-Up Exercise (2) …How many of those items existed when your grand-parents (or individuals two generations removed) were your age?

Warm-Up Exercise (3) **Why did we do this exercise, and HOW does it relate to the Industrial Revolution?

Agenda for the Day Warm-Up Exercise Introduction: The Industrial Revolution Learning Target Expectations of the Unit Hand-out of the Unit Project Explanation, Questions/Thoughts about the Unit Project Warm-Up Exercise: The Causes of a Revolution Overview of the Industrial Revolution Conclusion and wrap-up

Learning Target: You will be able to: Know, understand and be able to explain the new ideas and innovations which led to the Industrial Revolution. How we will achieve this…

Expectations for the Unit: In Unit 2, we will be looking at The Industrial Revolution: its causes, its impact, and its lasting effect. Lessons will be as varied and ranging. There will be one significant Unit Project. There will be one significant Summative Test. The lessons will have plenty of resources that you can use toward your project and test, so I suggest highly that you are here for as much of the unit as possible!!!

Overview of the Unit: This unit will look at the period of revolution known as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution took place during the 17th and 18th Century (1760-1860), originating in Britain. Old method of production replaced. This revolution influenced great changes within Britain, and later to the rest of the world.

Overview of the Unit (2): To Summarize: The most important of the changes that brought about the Industrial Revolution were (1) Machines replaced hand tools. (2)Steam power replaced human and animal power. 3) Factory system replaced the cottage (home) system. --Can anyone tell me of any inventions that were created during this period? --Can anyone tell me how it became possible to power these machines?

Industrial Revolution Invention Project Please see hand-out

Industrial Revolution Invention Project (2) Things to consider: 18th-19th Century perspective... What is it, and Why should we want it? TRY TO SELL IT TO A NEW AUDIENCE!! Questions/Thoughts/Concerns about the Project.

Summative Test The Summative Test will take place on the last day of the unit: Friday, March 24th, 2017. Important people Machines, Movements Ideas **Taking notes is encouraged – both from the Power Points as well as just from discussions. Remember: note-taking is a skill, decide what is important!!

Making Connections: The Causes of Revolutions. Think, Pair, Share The French Revolution: Causes, Impact, and Lasting Effect. Using your prior knowledge: Make a list of the causes of the French Revolution, then make a list of how it impacted French society – and to a further extent the world, and finally make a list of how the French Revolution has had a lasting impact on our current society(s). *I want you to first come up with your own list, then I want you to share with the person sitting next you, and then finally I want you to share with the class in a discussion.

Making Connections: The Causes of Revolutions. Think, Pair, Share (2) The Industrial Revolution: Causes, Impact, and Lasting Effect. Making Predictions: From the list that you have made of the French Revolution, I want you to make a second list that identifies the causes and the impact of the Industrial Revolution on its society as well as the lasting effect it has had on current society. **Think where we would be as a society without the Industrial Revolution!! *Like the first exercise, I want you to first create your own predictions, share them with a partner, and then we will discuss as a whole class.

Conclusion: Wrap-up Does anybody have any thoughts and/or comments about the lesson today?