1905: Einstein Introduced Photon to Explain the Photoelectric Effect. Phenomena Einstein’s Solution Light striking a target may cause electrons to “boil” off the surface. Only light of a certain benchmark frequency could produce electrons. In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed the photon to explain this phenomena. He suggested that light traveled in packets, called “photons”. These packets had energy based on their wavelengths. Only a benchmark energy/wavelength could free an electron from an atom. Wave Explanation Foundations and Applications Originally assumed that light was a wave. It was assumed that higher intensity light would free electrons. Was found that photoelectric effect was dependent on wavelength, not intensity of light. The idea of the photon set the stage for the discovery of the particle/wave duality for light and, later, for all matter. This idea also helped bring quantum physics into existence. The photoelectric effect is used in solar panels, digital cameras, and laser sensors. By: Dylan Neff