Airmanship II Aircraft Knowledge
Aircraft Knowledge In this lecture we shall look at: Aircraft Names Prefixes Telling Characteristics
Aircraft Names An aircrafts name gives details about the aircraft, its version and its role. Eg. HAWK T Mk 1A T – This indicates the aircraft is a trainer Mk 1 – This is the first version of the aircraft A – There has been a modification made
Prefixes AEW Airborne Early Warning B Bomber C Transport E Electronic/Flight Checking F Fighter FG Fighter Ground Attack GR Ground Attack Reconnaissance HAR Helicopter, Air Rescue
Prefixes HAS Helicopter, Anti-submarine HC Helicopter, Cargo HCC Helicopter, Transport and Communications HT Helicopter, Training HU Helicopter, Utility K Tanker MR Maritime Reconnaissance R Reconnaissance PR Photographic Reconnaissance S Strike T Trainer
Telling Characteristic When identifying an aircraft: Establish what type it is How big is it? Look at its engines What do the wings look like? What does the fuselage look like? Any specific characteristics