RADON (occupational exposure) Working Group 3 RADON (occupational exposure)
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 1 - Recognising the radon risks Discussion: Almost all MS have regulations for radon in some workplaces. Regulations very considerably in relation to the workplaces to which they apply. Enforcement of these regulations is very poor in every MS. Most national authorities are unsure how radon relates to other occupational risks. Recommendations: EU: It would be extremely useful to all Member States if the EU central body for H&S could compile a priority list of 10 or 20 occupational respiratory cancers, carcinogens and carcinogenic processes across the EU. Governments could localise if necessary and prioritise use of their H&S resources. (See UK example where radon is in the top 10.) EU should encourage countries to enforce their regulations and set goals.
Overview of radon risks in the UK 10 major respiratory cancers, carcinogens and carcinogenic processes in UK workplaces: Crystalline silica Radon Passive tobacco smoke Solar radiation Diesel exhaust Woos dust Benzene Ethylene dibromide Inorganic lead compounds Chemicals used in hairdressing 83% of total number of employees exposed Health & Safety Executive
Overview of radon risks in the UK 10 - 20 major respiratory cancers, carcinogens and carcinogenic processes in UK workplaces: decorating paints chromium IV compounds tetrachloroethylene coal tar products iron & steel foundries asbestos formaldehyde nickel compounds acid mists cadmium containing compounds 14% of total number of employees exposed Health & Safety Executive
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 2 - Identification of exposure situations Discussion: Radon can affect ALL underground and above ground workplaces. National maps are the ideal way of targeting resources to high risk areas. Different types of maps are available to varying degrees (Eg. Based on measurements, geology, gamma background, soil concentration) Best use should be made of currently available national data (although it may be limited when applied to small geographical areas). Underground (mines & show caves) and water industry (waterworks and spas) activities are higher risk areas irrespective of geographical area. Recommendations: Authorities: Identify higher risk workplaces by both best available mapping AND type of activity. Authorities: Encourage more measurements in workplaces. EU: Clarify the scope of Title 7 as to which workplaces it applies ?
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 3 - Reference levels (concentration V dose) Discussion: Concentration (Bq/m3)= Advantages: simple, cheap. Disadvantages: generic equilibrium factors only, not directly related to dose. Dose (mSv/y) = (opposite) ~ 50% MS use concentration, ~ 50% dose Concentration levels protect all occupants (inc. non-employees) but dose levels only protect individuals (Eg. Prisons, schools, hospitals, care homes) Recommendations: International & national bodies: Keep as simple as possible - Concentration levels are most practically effective. International & national bodies: In most cases passive track etch detectors are satisfactory and cheap. (In particular atmospheres more detailed (dose) measurements required. Eg. mines)
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 4 – Management of doses & ALARA Discussion: The vast majority of radon doses can be effectively reduced and ‘management of doses’ is rarely required. ALARA does not fit well with the concept of action/ reference level. A level below which action is unnecessary implies a dose threshold. Action levels are straight forward for ‘non-radiation employers’ to understand that < action level is ‘safe’. NB. Despite this few employers do measurements! Considered new proposal from ICRP of using constraints instead of action level for workplaces. Group very cautions of introducing additional complications. Optimisation is not minimisation. Recommendations: ICRP: Must bear in mind workplace practicalities and current widespread inactivity when reviewing recommendations.
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 5 - Technical guidance/ regulation for new buildings Discussion: Only real long term cost effective solution. Guidance/ regulations exists only in some countries, and then usually only for dwellings. Guidance/ regulations can apply to whole countries or just selected radon areas. Specialist advice radon prevention advice is required. New build radon preventions can never guarantee radon free workplaces. Building materials are occasionally a source of radon. Recommendations: Authorities: All countries should have building regulations requiring radon protection measures to be installed when workplaces are built AND extended in government identified radon areas.
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 6 - Financial assistance for remediation Discussion: Does not exist for workplaces. (Some government assistance is available for dwellings.) Limited evidence of financial assistance encouraging remedial action in dwellings. Recommendations: None
RADON - occupational exposure Issue 7 - Radon and NORM Discussion: Radon can emanate from NORM but not usually a problem. Academic problem whether the radon dose counts as a ‘NORM dose’ or a ‘radon dose’. NORM industry are familiar with occupational hygiene and airborne pollutants and are able to apply ALARA effectively. Most other workplaces are not familiar or technical and the regulatory requirements must be simple. Radon doses are not usually managed and reduction measure usually eliminate the problem. NORM are actively managed on a continuous basis. Recommendations: None.
RADON - occupational exposure Summary of recommendations: EU: Central body for H&S compile a priority list of 10 or 20 occupational respiratory cancers, carcinogens and carcinogenic processes across the EU. Governments could localise if necessary and prioritise use of their H&S resources. (See UK top 10.) EU should encourage countries to enforce their regulations and set goals. Authorities: Identify higher risk workplaces by best available mapping AND activity. Authorities: Encourage more measurements in workplaces. EU: Clarify the scope of Title 7 as to which workplaces it applies. International & national bodies: Keep as simple as possible - Concentration levels are most practically effective. International & national bodies: In most cases passive track etch detectors measuring average radon concentration are satisfactory and cheap. ICRP: Bear in mind workplace practicalities and current widespread inactivity when reviewing recommendations. Authorities: Should have building regulations requiring radon protection measures to be installed when workplaces are built AND extended in government identified radon areas.