Revelation Part 4 Lesson 6
Genesis 10 -11 Babylon’s beginning: Nimrod, Noah’s great grandson, began his kingdom with Babel in Shinar: Babel means confusion Shinar was also where Daniel was taken Dan. 1:2 Nimrod was a mighty man on earth at this time, though not in a good way (Babel) The people wanted to build a city to make a name for themselves and NOT be scattered Gen. 9:7 God told Noah and his descendants to populate the earth and to settle it Gen. 11:7 The Lord stopped the building, confused the languages and scattered the people
Isaiah 13 An oracle is a burden: This one was about Babylon Isaiah prophesied BEFORE Babylon came against Judah and Jerusalem Similarities to Revelation: Is.13:10 is like Rev. 8:12 Darkness The day of the Lord is coming/near Is. 13:13 Heavens tremble, earth shaken from its place. 7th bowl Rev. 16:19 Is. 13:17-19 The Medes took the kingdom from Babylon and destroyed Babylon in 539 BC Babylon will be destroyed, completely
Isaiah 14 14:3 Sounds like Israel in the 1,000 year reign 14:4 King of Babylon Beast? 14:11 Music of your harps cease Rev. 18:22 14:12 Star of the morning cut down Rev. 8:10 14:13-14 Sounds like the Abomination of desolation 14:19 Clothed with the slain who are pierced with a sword…..Martyrs? Rev: 17:16 14:22 Complete destruction Rev. 18:17
Jeremiah 50 Setting: Jeremiah prophesied shortly before, and during Jerusalem’s fall to Babylon He began to prophesy about 50 years AFTER Isaiah 50:5 Israel’s everlasting covenant with God 50:15 God’s vengeance will completely destroy the city 50:28 Vengeance for His temple 50:46 Earth is shaken when she is seized Rev. 16:18 Vengeance is translated also, REVENGE
Jeremiah 51 51:1-2 God uses the spirit of a destroyer and other nations to judge Babylon “spirit of a destroyer” – imparting warlike energy, and executive and administrative power: go to ruin This could be the beast 51:17-18 Idols: no breath in them, deceitful, worthless, a mockery and will perish 51:6, 45 “Come forth from her, flee from her midst” sounds like Rev. 18:4 51:49 Babylon’s fall is for the slain of Israel and all the earth Rev. 17:16 51:58 Consuming fire of the city’s destruction 51:63 Scroll is thrown into the river Rev. 18:21
Zechariah 5 Setting: The people of Judah were in Babylon for 70 years The Medo-Persian kingdom overthrew the Babylonian Empire Many from Judah left to return to their own land and rebuild Israel began work rebuilding the temple under Zerubbabel 536 BC – 516 BC Two visions: Flying scroll and Woman in ephah Scroll was the curse over the whole earth for sin “Wickedness” is her name vs. 8 Temple built in Shinar for her: Babel began there
Application What does Babylon have to do with me? DOES it have anything to do with me? I don’t want to be anything like her. I don’t want to be associated with her She is wickedness, harlotry, and idolatry personified Who defines wickedness? Why does God have the right to define wickedness? Recognize her, don’t be caught up in her subtle ways. Be alert Be on guard, always praying for discernment