Liza Jensen, ED NAMI San Antonio Joseph Smarro, SAPD The San Antonio Story Liza Jensen, ED NAMI San Antonio Joseph Smarro, SAPD
Community Collaboration NAMI became involved with CIT training in 2002 Provide IOOV and Family Perspective speakers Goal is to show the “person behind the mental illness” We get one chance to bring our stories and the impact mental illness has on our lives.
Family Perspectives What do we want officers to understand about people who live with serious mental illness? Failure to follow instructions may not be willful Discuss degrees of dangerousness Families depend on LEO to keep loved ones safe by minimizing the use of force for everyone(when appropriate) We do not want to fear law enforcement Family members are in crisis too!
Peer Presentation Each presenter shares their personal story Peers share what they want officers to know about mental illness, including: Describe what it’s like to be hospitalized or what is going to happen next Experience with involuntary commitments Episode experiences Impairment in ability to interact with others How mental illness and symptoms effect ability to comply with commands (overload)
I Wish LEO would have…. What interactions from LEO worked? Engaging and listening Reassuring that you were going to be OK Collaboration instead of pressuring actions Not using a threatening posture Using a “parental” or “dumb down” tone Making assumptions about what is going on with me instead of checking out what is going on right now?
Supporting CIT Makes a Difference! IMPACT Federally funded research on CIT programs found that compared to their non-CIT trained peers, CIT trained Officers: Directed people to mental health services 18% more often (statistically significant). Reported feeling better prepared to respond without needing to resort to use of force. Used less force when subject agitation/resistance increases. CIT is evidenced-informed. CIT has become the most widely recognized and adopted best practice model of specialized police response (Compton et al 2011). Research on CIT at the national level demonstrates that: Reduces injuries to officers and to persons experiencing a mental health crisis Reduces arrests and diverts more subjects from criminal justice system Improves knowledge, attitudes and confidence of officers Increases linkage to psychiatric services CIT improves mental health outcomes. Research has demonstrated that diversion from jail through CIT leads to a significant improvement in psychiatric symptoms after a 3 month period (Crowell, Broner, & Dupont, 2004)
Be San Antonio’s Voice on Mental Illness What can you do? Contact your local officials and tell them you support CIT and would like them to advocate for increased staffing and resources for the SAPD program. Write a letter to Mayor Taylor and City Council in support of CIT for BCSO and SAPD. Contact NAMI-SAT for more information at (210) 734-3349
San Antonio Police Department Mental Health Unit Currently comprised of 10 full-time officers and one supervisor Still do not provide 24-hour coverage Coverage is Monday thru Friday, from 0900 – 0200 The MHU is responsible for providing all CIT training to the SAPD, as well as numerous surrounding agencies and counties – who do we train? The CIT training is officer led and community supported
San Antonio Police Department Mental Health Unit The MHU has many functions beyond training Innovative Policing Initiatives (IMPACT) Routinely collaborates with community stakeholders Partners with STRAC (South Texas Regional Advisory Council) Regularly featured on various media outlets highlighting our efforts Involved with SAPD Peer Support – Training / Members
San Antonio Police Department Mental Health Unit Actively involved with seeking a cultural mind-shift in law enforcement, by demonstrating progressive techniques to ensure more positive outcomes We are law enforcement officers by profession, and mental health advocates by choice