Implementation Arrangement under National Hydrology Project 23.05.2017, New Delhi Implementation Arrangement under National Hydrology Project Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
Implementation Framework Ingredients of Implementation Mechanism Institutional arrangements Physical Implementation Financial Management Performance Evaluation Monitoring and reporting Anticorruption – To follow World Bank and CVC anti corruption guidelines (Web-based Grievance) Safeguards – To carry out activities in accordance with the provisions of Environment Assessment Report & not to acquire land involuntarily
Major Institutional requirement as per Legal Agreement Signing of MoA with Implementing Agencies- Signed with all IAs National Level Steering Committee (NLSC)- Constituted in Feb 2017 National Project Management Unit (NPMU)- Already in Place, to be strengthened Placement of TAMC – Required to be in place by July, 2017 Establishment of NWIC : Required to be established by November, 2017 Establishment of SLSC- Immediately required, so far three states have constituted SLSCs Establishment of CPMU/SPMU- Already in place, to be strengthened Project Implementation Plan for each IA- Already prepared for entire duration of NHP Financial Management System- Will fully develop on placement of TAMC in NPMU M&E System- Will fully develop on placement of TAMC in NPMU TAMC: Technical Assistance and Management Consultancy NWIC: National Water Informatics Centre SLSC: State level Steering Committee CPMU/SPMU: Central/State Project Management Unit
NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT (NHP) : INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS HISMGs Technical Data & Data Dissemination Institutional Strengthening National Level Steering Committee (NLSC) Chaired by Secretary, MoWR,RD & GR National Project Management Unit (NPMU), MoWR,RD & GR Headed by Joint Secretary (Admin) SJC 1 SJC 2 SJC 3 Director, A& F NATIONAL NHP Technical and Management Consultant (TAMC) NWIC India-WRIS (web-based integrated water data/ information repository) CGWB Member CWC Member (RM) CWPRS Director NIH SoI Surveyor General NRSA CPCB Scientist ‘D’ Central Project Management Units (CPMUs)- Coordinators CENTRAL AGENCIES Technical Consultants to all CPMUs State Level Steering Committee SPMU/ RBPMU Level Support Consultants BBMB Chief Engineer DVC Chairman River Basin Project Management Units (RBPMUs) – Coordinators Head/ Coordinator - Secretary, WRD Project Team Technical Section Finance Section MIS Section Procurement Section Field Staff Nodal Officer – CE (SW) /Director (GW) State Project Management Units (SPMU) SUB-REGIONAL/ STATE/UT State Data centre/ Knowledge centre StateWRIS
Organisational structure of NWIC Director
National Level Steering Committee Secretary, WR, RD & GR Chairman JS & FA (MOWR, RD & GR CPCB Director, NRSC JS (A&GW) Member Secretary Team Leader TAMC Chairman , CWC Chairman, CGWB Director General, IMD Director, NIH Chairpersons SLSC on rot. basis Surveyor General, SOI Director CWPRS Special invitee from World Bank NLSC may opt for representatives from other Central Ministries, NDMA, premier research institutes
Key Role of NLSC To provide policy directions To exercise overall administrative, management and financial control of project To approve the constitution of the Three Project Management Groups, HISMG (Tech), HISMG (IS), and HISMG (DD) To approve any changes/deviations to the planned programs for project. To deliberate and ratify decisions not resolved at the level of the three HISMG To oversee and review progress made in implementation of project Resolve issues arising out of inter-agency coordination, if any. Provide direction and support to State Level Steering Committees on policy matters related to project The National Level Steering Committee would meet as often as required but at least, two times a year.
HIS Management Groups (HISMG) The project management and review functions will be undertaken by the 3 HISMGs focusing on their respective areas of expertise: HISMG (Technical) HISMG (Institutional Strengthening and Training) HISMG (Data and Data Dissemination) The key roles to be performed by the HISMG are: Advisory support to NLSC Reviewing and monitoring progress of project implementation and reporting to NLSC Recommending policy, standardization on implementation guidelines Co-ordination among IAs in the respective functional areas The HISMG will meet as often as required but will meet at least once in a quarter.
Member (RM), CWC – Chairman Nodal Officer CWC Nodal Officer CGWB Nodal Officer NIH Nodal Officer IMD Nodal Officer CPCB Nodal Officer BBMB Nodal Officer SOI Nodal Officer NRSC Nodal Officer DVC Nodal Officer CWPRS Team Leader TAMC TTL World Bank SJC, NPMU Member Secretary HISMG (Technical) NLSC shall nominate 5 states (on rotation basis) to the HISMG and Technical Experts (one each of SW, GW, and WQ specialist)
Joint Secretary (A &GW) HISMG (Institutional Strengthening and Training) Joint Secretary (A &GW) (Chairman) Nodal Officer CWC NIH NWA Nodal Officer CGWB CPCB Nodal Officer CWPRS Director, Finance MOWR,RD &GR Team Leader, TAMC Team Leader WB SJC, NPMU Member Secretary NLSC shall nominate 5 states (on rotation basis) to the HISMG
Nodal officers from States on rotation basis Director (NWIC) Director RS CWC Nodal Officer NIH IMD Nodal Officer BBMB DVC CGWB SOI CPCB NRSC Team Leader, TAMC TTL WB Nodal officers from States on rotation basis SJC, NPMU Member secretary HISMG (Data & Data Dissemination) NLSC shall nominate 5 states (on rotation basis) to the HISMG
State Level Steering Committee Principal Secretary, WRD Chairman Engineer-in-Chief, WR Chief Engineer, Regional Office, CWC Regional Director, CGWB Nodal Officer SPMU,NHP Member Secretary Ground water Department Agriculture Department Rural department Forest/Environment Department Industry Department Animal Husbandry Department SDMA WUA on rotation basis
Key Role of SLSC To provide policy directions to the implementation of project in the respective state. To exercise overall administrative, management and financial control of project. To periodically review and approve the constitution of the State HIS coordination Committee (SHISCC) for operational management of project on behalf of SLSC. Interaction with State Govt. and Govt. of India. Periodic review of implementation of MoU signed with other state departments. Monitoring physical and financial performance of the SPMU SLSC will meet as often as required but will meet at least once in a quarter.
Project Implementation Arrangements SG = Surveyor General
NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT :STATE LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS Technical Support by CAs Component D : NIH – design of training modules & R&D support Technical Section Overall Project Implementation: NPMU & TAMC – Procurement, MIS, Financial Mgmt, Audit and Technical Advisory (*TAMC will have 4 regional offices) Component A : CWPRS – Hydro-met installation & QA/QC NPMU – Procurement through Empanelment Component B : CWC/CGWB - Centralized DBMS, SOI- DEM NWIC /India WRIS Component C : CWC–SW assessment, IWRM, Flood Forecasting CGWB –GW assessment NRSC – Experts for Basin modeling &, Remote Sensing application Nodal Officer -Chief Engineer (SW)/Director (GW) Finance Section EE/AAO Procurement SE/EE MIS AD/AE Technical Consultant/ Contractual Support Staff Project Coordinator - Principal Secretary, WRD/ID Field Implementing Agencies State Project Management Unit (SPMU) Technical (HIS)
Project Management Unit – Roles and Responsibilities Nodal Officer Overall coordination with NPMU Compliance with World bank procedures and guidelines Procurement Cell Preparation of Bid Documents Advertisement Bid Evaluation Contract Award Finance Cell Release of Payment IUFR Audit Manage Bank Account Utilization certificates MIS Cell M&E Update financial Statements Update AWP and PP Update Physical progress
Resource Institution at Central Level for assisting IAs Coordination Compo-nent Main Function Resource Institution at Central Level for assisting IAs A1 Design of hydro-met and procurement CWC, CGWB, CPCB A3 Testing of Hydro-met CWPRS B1 Standard database management systems CWC, CGWB NWRIS standards and protocols NWIC, CWC B2 Data sharing protocols and monitoring NPMU C1 Flood forecasting and river basin assessment models CWC IWRM studies River basin modeling training and expert support CWC/NIH C2 PDS related activities NIH D1 Collaborations with International organizations D2 National and international trainings NIH/NPMU D3, D4 Overall project management, M&E and Financial Management